Pham Cong Tac
Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc (1890-1969), Population who self, alias Tay Son Dao, one of the most important leaders in the establishment, construction, development and consolidation of the system of the Cao Dai religion.

The first disciple

Of the first twelve disciples, he was the most important leaders of Cao Đài, a new religion, in the process of construction and perfection of the religious mechanism.

A top-level medium

In 1925, he and his two colleagues (Messrs. Cao Quynh Cu and Cao Hoai Sang) tried to contact with spiritual entities through spirit communications. Using table-tapping, they got messages, first from their deceased relatives, then from Saints, and eventually from God. They all were admitted to be God’s first disciples in the Third Religious Amnesty.

On 25-4-1926, eighteen mediums were chosen by God to spread His teachings and carry out His instructions. Of those, Mr. Phạm Công Tắc was the most important medium. It was he who wrote out the Cao Đài Religious Constitution and most of the Scriptures currently worshipped by Caodaiists. He was promoted to Hộ Pháp, one of the top-ranking posts of the clergy.

An organizer

In 1927, transferred to Cambodia by the colonial government, he seized the opportunity to establish Cao Đài Foreign Missions under spiritual guidance.

After acting Giáo Tông Lê Văn Trung
Lê Van Trung
Lê Văn Trung was the first acting Giáo Tông of Cao Đài.The term Giáo Tông means “leader or head of a religious group”. Translators noticed similarities between the structural hierarchy of Caodaiism and the Roman Catholic Church, and, for lack of better words or whatever reasons, borrowed...

’s death, he took over the power and established a number of other religious organs. Arguably, most of the relatively complex religious structure owed him the full development as we know it.

An architect

He himself both gave the order to begin the construction of the Tây Ninh
Tay Ninh
Tây Ninh is a town in southwestern Vietnam. It is the capital of Tay Ninh province, which encompasses the town and much of the surrounding farmland....

 Holy See and later officiated the inauguration. Without this temple, Cao Đài might not have become a well-organized religion. Furthermore, other buildings and houses were set up under his supervision, including The Temple Of Intuition, The Temple of Enlightenment, Long Hoa Market, The Temple of Acknowledgement, The Temple of the Goddess. Others were planned for more favorable conditions such as The Temple of Thousands of Dharma, The Main Entrance Avenue, Cao Đài University which have not been started yet so far (2007).

A priest spreading God’s teachings

In addition to the responsibilities of religious leadership, he was a true missionary who, in the name of God, preached the new doctrines. Not to mention numerous religious speeches, he gave speeches on The Holy Never Pathway and Esoteric Practice which were shorthanded by stenographists and published in 1970. These documents were considered among the most significant scriptures due to their content of Cao Đài philosophy as well as the ways of religious practice.

A leading religious figure in Vietnam from 1940s to 1950s

In 1941, lots of Vietnamese rebellions against French colonists broke out throughout the country. French rulers did what they could to crush the movement, imprisoning those who challenged their power. The fact that Cao Đài developed too fast also frightened them too much to overlook this new religion. Eventually, Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc and other dignitaries were sent into exile in Madagascar. During this period, French soldiers seized the Tây Ninh Holy See and the other religious offices, temporarily prohibiting all religious activities.

As a result, the Cao Đài Armed Forces were founded by General Tran Quang Vinh in Southern Vietnam so as to protect Cao Đài believers as well as to overthrow the French government with Japanese military aid. However Japanese Armed Forces were defeated in 1945 after the first American A-bomb raid and had to return to their country. Vietnamese, in general, and the Cao Đài Army, in particular, had to face the second French invasion.

In 1946, the political situation changed, compelling the French to release Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc for the co-operation in the part of Cao Đài Army. A treaty was signed between General Tran Quang Vinh and the French colonists on 9-6-1946. From then on, Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc resumed his post, bettering the mechanism of Cao Đài.

In 1945, Vietnamese Head of State Bảo Đại
Bảo Đài
Bảo Đài is a commune and village in Lục Nam District, Bac Giang Province, in northeastern Vietnam.-References:...

 asked Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc to be the top advisor for the Vietnamese delegates in Geneva, Switzerland. He went to Paris and tried to prevent Vietnam from being partitioned. However, a priest’s persuasion seemed to have no influence on heartless politicians, so he failed and returned to Vietnam. After that, he paid visits to Taiwan
Taiwan , also known, especially in the past, as Formosa , is the largest island of the same-named island group of East Asia in the western Pacific Ocean and located off the southeastern coast of mainland China. The island forms over 99% of the current territory of the Republic of China following...

ese and South Korea
South Korea
The Republic of Korea , , is a sovereign state in East Asia, located on the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It is neighbored by the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east, North Korea to the north, and the East China Sea and Republic of China to the south...

n leaders.
In 1955, General Nguyen Thanh Phuong, unofficially instigated by Ngô Ðình Nhu
Ngo Dinh Nhu
Ngô Ðình Nhu was the younger brother and chief political advisor of South Vietnam's first president, Ngô Ðình Diệm. Nhu was widely regarded as the architect of the Ngô family's nepotistic and autocratic rule over South Vietnam from 1955 to 1963...

, surrounded Tây Ninh Holy See, demanding an internal purification which was actually a raid on those who opposed Ngô Đình Diệm
Ngo Dinh Diem
Ngô Đình Diệm was the first president of South Vietnam . In the wake of the French withdrawal from Indochina as a result of the 1954 Geneva Accords, Diệm led the effort to create the Republic of Vietnam. Accruing considerable U.S. support due to his staunch anti-Communism, he achieved victory in a...

’s regime. So critical was the situation that Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc had to flee the country, seeking political asylum in Cambodia. He lived there until his death in 1969.

An author

He was the author of many books on Cao Đài, including:

• How to practice Caodaiism – under the pen-name Ai Dan – 1928

• A Visit to Heaven – 1927

• The Third Method of Practicing Caodaiism– 1947

• Breviaries for secular activities.

• Speeches.

• Poems.

A symbol of Esoterism for Caodaiists

It is believed that Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc was taught how to practice esoterism by God. He himself established the first meditation house, The Temple of Intuition, and entered for the first esoteric performance. However, there has been no evidence that he taught someone else to do so.
He was the only Cao Đài leader who did a lot of preaching on Esoteric and Exoteric Practices of Cao Đài. Therefore, he is considered the Master of Cao Đài Esoterism.


Life of Pham Cong Tac French households is almost the history of the Cao Dai in the first 31 years, since the initial director in 1925 until 1956 when he left the Tay Ninh Holy See, in exile in Cambodia.

He is considered one of the disciples asked Germany's first love Nhut Cao Dai, is the young Duc Cao Dai is placed in the dignity of the noble Nhat Thien Dai Hiep, 37 years old French prime protection, and since year, he directed the exhaust itself until very brutal bargain, return your divine.

So the industry for his great Cao Dai Nhat compared to all the dignitaries and senior government controls the director's early work.

Inner Tay Ninh Holy See, as well as across the Tay Ninh Holy Land, from temple to palace, from large and small roads to the bridge, from the throne to the housing market order spacious, from schools to teach children the director to the Institute of Medicine, Nursing Homes, orphanages, etc. ... are found everywhere there are traces reminded of his great industry.

Although his body was lost, ghosts, though he was dead, but in the hearts of every believer Cao Dai in generations still engraved image of his life.

In the words of her First Division and his Hieu Nguyen Huong Truong Huu Duc Constitution is "No he did not have the German Foundation Act Tam Ky Pho Do, because the Chi Ton Duc Ngo Minh Chieu to Germany, claiming that only he and the Cao Dai Tien Ong red list ". This statement speaks of his great significance for the formation and development of the Cao Dai teachings.

With great industry for the Cao Dai religion and humanity, present Tran Van Rang Professor of History University of Humanities Saigon Cao Dai dignitaries and a conclusion summarizes his life in his book Portrait of French households Pham Cong Tac by saying: "Mind monster very afraid, great heroes, great power, pronoun-bi".


• Chân dung Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc – Trần văn Rạng – 1974

• Lời thuyết Đạo của Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc –– Tài liệu Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh – 1973

• Bí Pháp – Tài liệu Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh- 1973

• Con Đường Thiêng Liêng Hằng Sống – Tài liệu Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh -1973

• Đại Đạo Sử Cương – Trần văn Rạng – 1972

• Đại Thừa Chơn Giáo – Chiếu Minh – 1956

• Bí Pháp Luyện Đạo – Bát Nương Diêu trì Cung – Bản Thảo.

• Tự Điển Cao Đài – Nguyễn văn Hồng
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