Miquelon may refer to
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a territorial collectivity of France
    • Miquelon-Langlade
      Miquelon-Langlade is the less populated of the two communes making up the French overseas collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, in North America. They are located to the south of Newfoundland in the Atlantic Ocean...

      , the less populous of two communes which are part of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
      • Miquelon, Miquelon-Langlade
        Miquelon, Miquelon-Langlade
        Miquelon is the capital of Miquelon-Langlade a commune in the French overseas collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon. It is located along a tombolo type isthmus that connects the formerly separate island of Le Cap with the northwestern part of Miquelon Island...

        , the capital thereof
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