List of Clarion West Writers Workshop alumni
This is a list of alumni in the Clarion West Writers Workshop
Clarion West Writers Workshop
Clarion West Writers Workshop is an intensive six-week program for writers preparing for professional careers in science fiction and fantasy. It runs yearly late June through the end of July. The workshop is limited to 18 students per year. Each of the six weeks is instructed by a different...

, a six-week workshop for writers of science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

, fantasy
Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, theme, or setting. Many works within the genre take place in imaginary worlds where magic is common...

, and speculative literature
Speculative fiction
Speculative fiction is an umbrella term encompassing the more fantastical fiction genres, specifically science fiction, fantasy, horror, supernatural fiction, superhero fiction, utopian and dystopian fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, and alternate history in literature as well as...

, held annually in Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington
Seattle is the county seat of King County, Washington. With 608,660 residents as of the 2010 Census, Seattle is the largest city in the Northwestern United States. The Seattle metropolitan area of about 3.4 million inhabitants is the 15th largest metropolitan area in the country...

  • Daniel Abraham
    Daniel Abraham (author)
    Daniel Abraham is a prolific American science fiction / fantasy author who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications and anthologies. His novelette Flat Diane was nominated for the Nebula Award...

  • Kathleen Alcalá
    Kathleen Alcalá
    Kathleen Alcalá is the author of a short-story collection three novels set in the American Southwest and nineteenth-century Mexico and a collection of essays. She teaches creative writing at workshops and programs in Washington state and elsewhere, including Seattle University, the University of...

  • Monte Cook
    Monte Cook
    Monte Cook is a professional table-top role-playing game designer and writer. He is married to Sue Weinlein Cook.-Roleplaying:Cook has been a professional game designer since 1988, working primarily on role-playing games. Much of his early work was for Iron Crown Enterprises as an editor and writer...

  • Greg Cox (1984)
  • Kathryn Cramer
    Kathryn Cramer
    Kathryn Elizabeth Cramer is an American science fiction author, editor, and literary critic.- Life :Cramer grew up in Seattle, and currently lives in Pleasantville, New York with her husband David G. Hartwell and their two children. She is the daughter of physicist John G. Cramer...

  • Arinn Dembo
    Arinn Dembo
    Arinn Dembo, born , is an American author currently living and writing in British Columbia, Canada. Dembo is best known for her work with Vancouver-based Kerberos Productions, where she is Lead Writer and has worked on the background fiction for the Sword of the Stars series and Fort Zombie...

  • Ron Drummond
    Ron Drummond
    Ronald Norman Drummond is an American writer, editor, and independent scholar, currently living in Troy, New York.-Writer:...

  • Andy Duncan (1994)
  • Susan Fry
    Susan Fry
    Susan Fry is an American author and editor.During Fry's tenure as editor of Speculations, the magazine was twice nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Semiprozine, in 2001 and 2002.Fry is a graduate of Clarion West Writers Workshop 1998....

     (Susan Lee) (1998)
  • Richard Garfinkle
    Richard Garfinkle
    Richard Garfinkle is an American writer of science fiction.He is best known as the author of Celestial Matters, a novel published by Tor Books, which won the Compton Crook Award in 1997....

  • Kathleen Ann Goonan
    Kathleen Ann Goonan
    Kathleen Ann Goonan is an American science fiction writer. Several of her books have been nominated for the Nebula Award. Her debut novel Queen City Jazz was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and her novel In War Times was chosen by the American Library Association as Best Science...

  • Neile Graham
    Neile Graham
    Neile Graham is a Canadian poet and scholar. She was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and currently lives in Seattle in the United States.Neile Graham serves as the program administrator for both the Ph.D...

  • Caren Gussoff
    Caren Gussoff
    Caren Gussoff is an American author of Romany and mixed heritages. She writes both literary fiction and speculative fiction novels and short stories...

  • Kij Johnson
    Kij Johnson
    Kij Johnson is an American writer of fantasy. She has worked extensively in publishing: managing editor for Tor Books and Wizards of the Coast/TSR, collections editor for Dark Horse Comics, and content manager working on the Microsoft Reader...

  • Vylar Kaftan
    Vylar Kaftan
    Vylar Kaftan is a science fiction and fantasy writer and Clarion West Workshop graduate who lives on the U.S. West Coast. Kaftan's short story "Civilisation" is included in Farah Mendlesohn's anthology Glorifying Terrorism, and several of her other speculative fiction flash and short stories have...

  • Fiona Kelleghan
    Fiona Kelleghan
    Fiona Kelleghan is an American academic and critic specializing in science fiction and fantasy; she is also the metadata librarian at the University of Miami's Otto G...

  • Margo Lanagan
    Margo Lanagan
    Margo Lanagan in Waratah, New South Wales is an Australian writer of short stories and young adult fiction.Many of her books, including ye Young Adult fiction, were only published in Australia. Recently, several of her books have attracted worldwide attention. Her short story collection Black...

  • David D. Levine
    David D. Levine
    David D. Levine is an American science fiction writer who won the Hugo Award for Best Short Story in 2006....

  • Sonia Orin Lyris
    Sonia Orin Lyris
    Sonia Orin Lyris is the author of a number of Science Fiction and Fantasy stories published in various professional magazines and anthologies. She has published fiction for Wizards of the Coast, Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, and Pulphouse....

  • Daniel Marcus
    Daniel Marcus
    Daniel Marcus is a science fiction author from Berkeley, California. He has written numerous short stories that have appeared in Witness, Asimov's Science Fiction, Realms of Fantasy, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and other publications. Binding Energy, a collection of his short...

  • Louise Marley
    Louise Marley
    Louise Marley is an award winning author of science fiction and fantasy. Her fiction often features strong female characters, and explores themes of hope, humanity, and faith in the distant future...

  • David Marusek
    David Marusek
    David Marusek is an author who was born in Buffalo, New York but lived various places in youth. He is currently divorced and has a grown daughter. He has lived in Alaska since 1973 and that is the state he is most associated with....

  • Carlton Mellick III
    Carlton Mellick III
    Carlton Mellick III is an American author currently residing in Portland, Oregon. He is best known as one of the leading authors in the 'Bizarro' movement in underground literature....

  • Mary Anne Mohanraj
    Mary Anne Mohanraj
    Mary Anne Amirthi Mohanraj is an American writer, editor, and academic of Sri Lankan birth.- Background :Mohanraj was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka but moved to the United States at the age of two and grew up in New Britain, Connecticut. She attended Miss Porter's School and the University of...

  • Ruth Nestvold
    Ruth Nestvold
    Ruth Nestvold is an American Science fiction and Fantasy writer. Born in Washington and raised in Oregon, she now lives in Stuttgart, Germany, where she works in technical translation and localization....

  • Susan Palwick
    Susan Palwick
    Susan Palwick is an American writer and associate professor of English at the University of Nevada, Reno. She began her professional career by publishing "The Woman Who Saved the World" for Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine in 1985....

  • Cat Rambo
    Cat Rambo
    Cat Rambo is a science fiction and fantasy writer and editor who lives in the Pacific Northwest. She has been the co-editor of Fantasy Magazine since 2007. She collaborated with Jeff VanderMeer on The Surgeon's Tale and Other Stories, published in 2007...

  • Benjamin Rosenbaum
    Benjamin Rosenbaum
    Benjamin Rosenbaum is an American science fiction, fantasy, and literary fiction writer and computer programmer, whose stories have been finalists for the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, the Theodore Sturgeon Award, the BSFA award, and the World Fantasy Award...

  • Mary Rosenblum
    Mary Rosenblum
    Mary Rosenblum is a science fiction and mystery author. Mary Rosenblum grew up in Allison Park, "a dead little coal mining town outside Pittsburgh PA," and attended Reed College in Oregon, earning a biology degree. She attended the Clarion West workshop in 1988.Her first story came out in 1990...

  • Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch is an American writer. She writes under various pseudonyms in multiple genres, including science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, and mainstream....

     (Clarion 1985)
  • Lawrence Schimel
    Lawrence Schimel
    Lawrence Schimel is an American science fiction and fantasy writer, translator, and anthologist whose work frequently deals with gay and lesbian themes, and with Jewish themes. He was born in New York, and received his B.A. in Literature from Yale University. Schimel is a member of the National...

  • Nisi Shawl
    Nisi Shawl
    Nisi Shawl is an African-American writer and journalist. She is best known as a writer of science fiction and fantasy short stories.-Work:Shawl is the co-author of Writing the Other: Bridging Cultural Differences for Successful Fiction, a book derived from the authors' workshop of the same name,...

  • Jeff Spock
    Jeff Spock
    Jeff Spock is a full-time video game writer as well as author of science fiction and fantasy. A graduate of the Clarion West Writers Workshop as well as INSEAD and Brown University, he has lived and worked in the U.S., Japan, and now France...

  • Rachel Swirsky
    Rachel Swirsky
    Rachel Swirsky is an award-winning literary, speculative fiction and fantasy writer, poet, and editor living in California. She was the founding editor of the PodCastle podcast and served as editor from 2008 to 2010....

  • Amy Thomson
    Amy Thomson
    Amy Thomson is an American science fiction author. In 1994 she won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Most of her work is considered hard science fiction and contains feminist and environmental themes.- Novels :* Virtual Girl...

  • Gordon Van Gelder
    Gordon Van Gelder
    Gordon Van Gelder is a Hugo Award-winning American science fiction editor. As of 2008, Van Gelder is both editor and publisher of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, for which he has twice won the Hugo Award for Best Editor Short Form...

  • Eric M. Witchey
    Eric M. Witchey
    Eric M. Witchey is an American fantasy writer living in Salem, Oregon. His short fiction has appeared in numerous print and online magazines, such as Jim Baen's Universe and Writers of the Future. In 2003, he won First Place in the Ralan's Spectravaganza online speculative fiction writing...


See also

  • List of Clarion West Writers Workshop instructors
  • Clarion Workshop
    Clarion Workshop
    Clarion is a six-week workshop for new and aspiring science fiction and fantasy writers. Originally an outgrowth of Knight and Wilhelm's Milford Writers' Conference, held at their home in Milford, Pennsylvania, USA, it was founded in 1968 by Robin Scott Wilson at Clarion State College in...

  • Clarion West Writers Workshop
    Clarion West Writers Workshop
    Clarion West Writers Workshop is an intensive six-week program for writers preparing for professional careers in science fiction and fantasy. It runs yearly late June through the end of July. The workshop is limited to 18 students per year. Each of the six weeks is instructed by a different...

  • Clarion South Writers Workshop
    Clarion South Writers Workshop
    Clarion South Writers Workshop is a six-week workshop for new and aspiring science fiction and fantasy writers, held in Brisbane Australia, and is the only Australian "Clarion" workshop. Unlike the US-based Clarion and Clarion West, which are annual events, it currently runs every two years...

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