Leach Pottery
The Leach Pottery was founded in 1920 by Bernard Leach
Bernard Leach
Bernard Howell Leach, CBE, CH , was a British studio potter and art teacher. He is regarded as the "Father of British studio pottery"-Biography:...

 and Shoji Hamada
Shoji Hamada
was a Japanese potter. He was a significant influence on studio pottery of the twentieth century, and a major figure of the mingei folk-art movement, establishing the town of Mashiko as a world-renowned pottery centre.- Biography :...

 in St Ives, Cornwall
St Ives, Cornwall
St Ives is a seaside town, civil parish and port in Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. The town lies north of Penzance and west of Camborne on the coast of the Celtic Sea. In former times it was commercially dependent on fishing. The decline in fishing, however, caused a shift in commercial...

, in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...


The buildings have grown from an old cow / tin-ore shed in the 19th century to a pottery in the 1920s when Hamada and Leach first attempted to construct a climbing kiln, (though this one failed and was re-built later) this was the first ever built in the western world, with the addition of a two-storey cottage built later, on to the lower end of the pottery (the Pottery is built on a steep hill over an ancient river bed), followed by a completely separate cottage at the top of the site added by Leach when he married Janet Leach
Janet Leach
Janet Darnell Leach, , was an American studio potter working in later life at St Ives, Cornwall in England. She was married in 1956 to Bernard Leach, the famous British studio potter.-Biography & Work:...

, which was again extended by David Leach
David Leach (potter)
David Andrew Leach was an English studio potter and the eldest son of Bernard Leach and Muriel Hoyle Leach, Bernard's first wife....

in the 1960s and 1970s.

External links

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