Le Cou de la girafe
Le Cou de la girafe is a 2004
2004 in film
The year 2004 in film involved some significant events. Major releases of sequels took place. It included blockbuster films like Shrek 2, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Passion of the Christ, Meet the Fockers, Blade: Trinity, Spider-Man 2, Alien vs. Predator, Kill Bill Vol...

The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...

 film directed by Safy Nebbou.


  • Sandrine Bonnaire
    Sandrine Bonnaire
    Sandrine Bonnaire is a French actress, who has appeared in more than 40 films including Hollywood movies.Bonnaire was born in the town of Gannat, Allier, in the Auvergne region. She was born into a working-class family, the seventh of eleven children. Her acting career began at the age of 16 in...

     - Hélène
  • Claude Rich
    Claude Rich
    Claude Rich is a French actor. He began his career as a theater actor, before his film debut in 1955 with René Clair, Les Grandes Manoeuvres.He married the actress Catherine Renaudin on 26 June 1959...

     - Paul
  • Louisa Pili - Mathilde
  • Darry Cowl
    Darry Cowl
    Darry Cowl, born André Darricau, was a French actor and musician. He won a César Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role in 2004 for his role as a concierge in Pas sur la bouche , which proved to be his last appearance.He was born in Vittel, and came to prominence when he was cast by Sacha...

     - Léo
  • Philippe Leroy
    Philippe Leroy (actor)
    Philippe Leroy, full name Philippe Leroy-Beaulieu is a French film actor. He has appeared in over 150 films since 1960. Leroy has been living mostly in Italy since the 1960s and has worked extensively in Italian cinema, as well as in his native country...

     - Maxime (as Philippe Leroy-Beaulieu)
  • Maurice Chevit
    Maurice Chevit
    - Filmography:* Mr. Orchid * Les Hussards * The Sleeping Car Murders * Molière : The priest of the school* Le Coup de sirocco : General Bauvergne* Les Bronzés font du ski : Marius...

     - Maurice
  • Monique Mélinand - Madeleine
  • Marie Mergey - Émilie
  • Geneviève Rey-Penchenat - Marguerite (as Geneviève Penchenat)
  • Paul Pavel - M. Achraf
  • Françoise Jamet - Lucie
  • Sarah Boreo - Renée
  • Arlette Didier - Josette
  • Stéphane Bissot - Stéphanie
  • Frédéric Gorny - L'inspecteur

External links

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