Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) is a part government-funded programme to encourage collaboration between businesses and universities in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...



KTP was launched in 2003, replacing the Teaching Company Scheme (TCS), which had been formed in 1975. The programme is funded by some 17 public sector organisations, and led by the Technology Strategy Board
Technology Strategy Board
The Technology Strategy Board is a UK public body operating at arm's length from the Government reporting to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills .- History :...

, an executive Non-Departmental Public Body reporting to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills
Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills
The Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills was a UK government department created on 28 June 2007 to take over some of the functions of the Department of Education and Skills and of the Department of Trade and Industry. In June 2009 it was merged into the newly formed Department for...

 (DIUS) and the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform was a United Kingdom government department. The department was created on 28 June 2007 on the disbanding of the Department of Trade and Industry , and was itself disbanded on 6 June 2009 on the creation of the Department for Business,...

 (BERR) (formerly the Department of Trade and Industry, DTI).


Each KTP involves three 'partners' :
  • a company
    A company is a form of business organization. It is an association or collection of individual real persons and/or other companies, who each provide some form of capital. This group has a common purpose or focus and an aim of gaining profits. This collection, group or association of persons can be...

     (this may be a private enterprise, public body or voluntary agency),
  • a knowledge base
    Knowledge base
    A knowledge base is a special kind of database for knowledge management. A Knowledge Base provides a means for information to be collected, organised, shared, searched and utilised.-Types:...

     (this may be a university or other higher education
    Higher education
    Higher, post-secondary, tertiary, or third level education refers to the stage of learning that occurs at universities, academies, colleges, seminaries, and institutes of technology...

     institution, research organisation or further education
    Further education
    Further education is a term mainly used in connection with education in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is post-compulsory education , that is distinct from the education offered in universities...

     college), and
  • an associate
    Associate may refer to:* A business valuation concept.* A title used by some companies instead of employee.* A title used to signify an independent person working as if directly employed by the company of which they are an associate...

     (a recently qualified graduate)

There are approximately 1,000 concurrent programmes at any one point in time.

The KTP programme is managed by Momenta which is part of AEA Technology
AEA Technology
AEA Technology plc was formed in 1996 as the privatised offshoot of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. It is a constituent of the FTSE Fledgling Index. Originally it consisted of divisions with expertise in a wide variety of areas, mostly the products of nuclear-related research...



The aims of each KTP programme are to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology and the spread of technical and business skills to the company, stimulate and enhance business-relevant research and training undertaken by the knowledge base, and enhance the business and specialist skills of a recently qualified graduate.

As a part-government funded programme, a company entering into a KTP programme contributes between 40 and 67 per cent of the project cost, with the government contributing the remainder. Average annual project costs are approximately £60,000 . This package includes the associate's salary, as well as a travel budget, personal development
Personal development
Personal development includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitates employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations...

budget, academic input and expertise, and administrative support.

The annual KTP Awards are held in March in London.

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.