Jorge Mautner
Jorge Mautner is a Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

ian writer and singer. He is the creator of the Moviment of Kaos.


  • Revirão (2007) - Gege/Warner Music
  • Eu não peço desculpa (2002) (with Caetano Veloso
    Caetano Veloso
    Caetano Emanuel Viana Teles Veloso , better known as Caetano Veloso, is a Brazilian composer, singer, guitarist, writer, and political activist. Veloso first became known for his participation in the Brazilian musical movement Tropicalismo which encompassed theatre, poetry and music in the 1960s,...

  • Mitologia do Kaos
  • O Ser da Tempestade (1999) - Dabliú Discos
  • Estilhaços de Paixão (1996) - Primal Records
  • Pedra Bruta (1992) - (LP) Rock Company Records
  • Árvore da Vida (Jorge Mautiner and Nelson Jacobina) (1988) - LP. Geléia Geral/WEA
    Warner Music Group
    Warner Music Group is the third largest business group and family of record labels in the recording industry, making it one of the big four record companies...

  • Antimaldito (1985) - (LP) Nova República/Polygram
    PolyGram was the name of the major label recording company started by Philips from as a holding company for its music interests in 1945. In 1999 it was sold to Seagram and merged into Universal Music Group.-Hollandsche Decca Distributie , 1929-1950:...

  • Bomba de Estrelas (1981) - CD/Lp – WEA
    Warner Music Group
    Warner Music Group is the third largest business group and family of record labels in the recording industry, making it one of the big four record companies...

  • Filho Predileto de Xangô (1978) - CBS CD
  • Mil e Uma Noites de Bagdá (1976) - LP Phonogram
    Phonogram Records
    Phonogram Records was started in 1962 as a joint venture between Philips Records and Deutsche Grammophon. In 1972, Phonogram was merged with Polydor Records into PolyGram....

  • Jorge Mautner (1974) - LP – Polydor
  • Para Iluminar a Cidade (1972) - LP Phonogram
    Phonogram Records
    Phonogram Records was started in 1962 as a joint venture between Philips Records and Deutsche Grammophon. In 1972, Phonogram was merged with Polydor Records into PolyGram....

  • Radioatividade Não, não, não (1966) - RCA Victor -


  • Mitologia do Kaos - Obras Completas, Editora Azougue - 2002
  • Floresta Verde Esmeralda (text included on the Mitologia do Kaos) - 2002
  • Fragmentos de Sabonete e Outros Fragmentos, Relume-Dumará - 1995
  • Miséria Dourada, Editora Maltese – 1993
  • Fundamentos do Kaos, Ched Editorial – 1985
  • Sexo do Crepúsculo, Editora Global Ground – 1982
  • 'Poesias de Amor e de Morte, Editora Global Ground – 1982
  • Panfletos da Nova Era, Editora Global – 1978
  • Fragmentos de Sabonete, Editora Ground Informação – 1973
  • O Vigarista Jorge, Von Schimdt Editora – 1965
  • Narciso em Tarde Cinza, Editora Exposição do Livro – 1965
  • Kaos, Editora Martins – 1963
  • Deus da Chuva e da Morte, Editora Martins – 1962

Books about Jorge Mautner

  • Proteu ou: A Arte das Transmutações Leituras, audições e visões da obra de Jorge Mautner by Luís Carlos de Morais Junior, HP Comunicação – 2004
  • Jorge Mautner em movimento, Editor César Resac – 2004

External links

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