Jill Quadagno
Dr. Jill B. Quadagno is Professor of Sociology at Florida State University
Florida State University
The Florida State University is a space-grant and sea-grant public university located in Tallahassee, Florida, United States. It is a comprehensive doctoral research university with medical programs and significant research activity as determined by the Carnegie Foundation...

 where she holds the Mildred and Claude Pepper Eminent Scholar Chair in Social Gerontology. Her books include One Nation, Uninsured: Why the U.S. Has No National Health Insurance (Oxford 2005) and the Color of Welfare: How Racism Undermined the War on Poverty (Oxford 1994). She has been a recipient of a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the National Science Foundation, a National Science Foundation Visiting Professorship for Women, the Distinguished Scholar Award of the ASA Section on Aging, a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, and an American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship. In 1994 she served as Senior Policy Advisor on the President's Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform, and in 1998 she served as President of the American Sociological Association
American Sociological Association
The American Sociological Association , founded in 1905 as the American Sociological Society , is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the discipline and profession of sociology by serving sociologists in their work and promoting their contributions to serve society.The ASA holds its...


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