Gunchen Chanyu
Gunchen Chanyu whose proper name is unknown, was a Chanyu
Chanyu , was the title used by the nomadic supreme rulers of Middle and Central Asia for 8 centuries, starting...

 of the Xiongnu
The Xiongnu were ancient nomadic-based people that formed a state or confederation north of the agriculture-based empire of the Han Dynasty. Most of the information on the Xiongnu comes from Chinese sources...

, the successor to Laoshang Chanyu (老上單于). During his long reign Gunchen Chanyu outlived the Han emperors Wendi Liu Heng 文帝劉恆 (r. 180–157 BC, Hyao Wyn Huan-di in Bichurin), Jingdi Liu Qi 景帝 劉啟 (r. 157–141 BC, Hyao-Jing-di in Bichurin), and died during the reign of the Han emperor Wudi Liu Che 武帝 劉徹 (r. 141–87 BC). All three Chinese emperors confirmed the heqin
Heqin was a term used in ancient China for an alliance by marriage. It usually referred to the Chinese Emperor marrying off a "princess" to an aggressive "barbarian" chieftain or ruler. The theory was that in exchange for the marriage, the chieftain would cease all aggressive actions toward China...

和親 peace and kinship treaty with the Huns, pledging to live by its terms.

The treaty generally held during the reign of Gunchen Chanyu, however, the Chinese annals note that the mutual relations were imperiled on a number of occasions, which included appeals of the Chinese contenders for the Hun's assistance and protection, the Hun's retaliatory raids as punishments for violation of the treaty terms, and one direct Chinese assault against the Chanyu. The Huns were especially sensitive about unimperiled trade relations, which were one of the terms of the heqin treaty, and the Chinese annals specifically note a number of instances of the border trade opening, implying that the border trade was at times banned. The ambush happened in the 133 BCE, when Gunchen Chanyu was lured inside the border, and he almost run into an ambush of a 300,000 strong Chinese army. Only a diclosure by a Chinese officer about the planned ambush saved the Chanyu. After the failed ambush, the treaty was practically abrogated, the relations soured, the border traders were assaulted, in 127 BC the Chinese army attacked and expelled the Hun's tribes Leu-fan (楼烦, 樓煩, Leufang, Liufan, Loufan, Loufang) and Bayan
Bayan may have the following meanings coming from various cultures* Bayan, means dawn in Kurdish language.*Bayan, the larger drum of the tabla set.* an Arabic female name meaning "clearness, eloquence."*Bayan, the Turkish word for "lady"...

(白羊王) from the Ordos
-Places:*Ordos Loop of the Yellow River, a region of China*Ordos Desert, in Inner Mongolia*Ordos City, city and district in Inner Mongolia*Ordos International Circuit, a race track in Ordos City.-People:...

, and then built fortifications and forts to retain the captured territory.

The next winter, 126 BCE, Gunchen Shanuy died; his younger brother, a Eastern Luli-Prince Ichise
Ichise Chanyu
Ichise Chanyu , whose full title is unknown, was a Chanyu of the Xiongnu, the successor to Gunchen Chanyu . Ichise Chanyu reigned during the reign of the Han emperor Wudi Liu Che 武帝 劉徹 Ichise Chanyu (aka Yizhixie Chinese: 伊稚邪; r. 126–114 BCE), whose full title is unknown, was a Chanyu of the...

(or Ichisye) ascended the Chanuy throne (r. 126-114 BCE).
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