French ship Ville de Paris
Four ships of the French Navy
French Navy
The French Navy, officially the Marine nationale and often called La Royale is the maritime arm of the French military. It includes a full range of fighting vessels, from patrol boats to a nuclear powered aircraft carrier and 10 nuclear-powered submarines, four of which are capable of launching...

 have born the name Ville de Paris, in honour of the city of Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

  • The 90-gun ship of the line
    Ship of the line
    A ship of the line was a type of naval warship constructed from the 17th through the mid-19th century to take part in the naval tactic known as the line of battle, in which two columns of opposing warships would manoeuvre to bring the greatest weight of broadside guns to bear...

     Ville de Paris
    French ship Ville de Paris (1764)
    The Ville de Paris was a large three-decker French ship of the line that became famous as the flagship of the Comte de Grasse during the American Revolutionary War....

    , later upgraded to 104 guns (1764)
  • Ville de Paris, a 12-gun vessel (1803)
  • Ville de Paris, a 110-gun ship of the line, lead ship of her class
    Commerce de Paris class ship of the line
    The Commerce de Paris class was a ship of the line class of the French Navy, designed in 1804 by Jacques-Noël Sané as a shortened version of his 118-gun Océan Class three-deckers...

     (1804), renamed Commerce de Paris
  • Ville de Paris
    French ship Ville de Paris (1851)
    The Ville de Paris was an Océan class 118-gun ship of the line of the French Navy.Her keeled was in Rochefort in 1807 as Marengo. During her construction, she was renamed Ville de Vienne, Comte d'Artois during the Bourbon Restoration, Ville de Vienne again briefly during the Hundred Days and back...

    , a 120-gun ship of the line of the Océan class (1851)

Also the ship of the line
Ship of the line
A ship of the line was a type of naval warship constructed from the 17th through the mid-19th century to take part in the naval tactic known as the line of battle, in which two columns of opposing warships would manoeuvre to bring the greatest weight of broadside guns to bear...

 of the Royal Navy
Royal Navy
The Royal Navy is the naval warfare service branch of the British Armed Forces. Founded in the 16th century, it is the oldest service branch and is known as the Senior Service...

 HMS Ville de Paris
HMS Ville de Paris
HMS Ville de Paris was a 110-gun first rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, launched on 17 July 1795 at Chatham Dockyard. She was designed by Sir John Henslow, and was the only ship built to her draught. She was named after the French ship of the line Ville de Paris, flagship of François Joseph...

, launched in 1795, was named in honour of the Ville de Paris
French ship Ville de Paris (1764)
The Ville de Paris was a large three-decker French ship of the line that became famous as the flagship of the Comte de Grasse during the American Revolutionary War....

of 1764.
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