Franz Xaver von Linsenmann
Franz Xaver von Linsenmann (November 28, 1835-September 21, 1898) was an important Catholic moral theologian and the Bishop of Rottenburg.

Born in Rottweil
Rottweil is a town in the south west of Germany and is the oldest town in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg.Located between the Black Forest and the Swabian Alb hills, Rottweil has about 25,000 inhabitants...

, Linsenmann was unanimously elected Bishop of Rottenburg on July 20, 1898, and was proclaimed on September 5. However, he died before his consecration during a curative stay in the Black Forest
Black Forest
The Black Forest is a wooded mountain range in Baden-Württemberg, southwestern Germany. It is bordered by the Rhine valley to the west and south. The highest peak is the Feldberg with an elevation of 1,493 metres ....

 spa town
Spa town
A spa town is a town situated around a mineral spa . Patrons resorted to spas to "take the waters" for their purported health benefits. The word comes from the Belgian town Spa. In continental Europe a spa was known as a ville d'eau...

 of Lauterbach
Lauterbach, Baden-Württemberg
Lauterbach is a village in the district of Rottweil in Baden-Württemberg. Lauterbach is located in the Black Forest near Schramberg, and is known as a tourist resort.- Neighbouring towns and municipalities :...

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