Environmental Choice Program
The Environmental Choice Program is an ecolabelling scheme that was established by Environment Canada
Environment Canada
Environment Canada , legally incorporated as the Department of the Environment under the Department of the Environment Act Environment Canada (EC) (French: Environnement Canada), legally incorporated as the Department of the Environment under the Department of the Environment Act Environment...

 in 1988 with over 300 categories of products to help consumers identify services/products which are less harmful to the environment.

The "Environmental Choice" Eco-Logo symbol of certification is a green colored maple leaf
Maple leaf
The maple leaf is the characteristic leaf of the maple tree, and is the most widely recognized national symbol of Canada.-Use in Canada:At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the settlements of New France had attained a population of about 18,000...

 intertwined within three doves.

There were more than 3000 approved products as of May 2007, with 119 licensees and 29 guidelines under which companies may be licensed and their products certified.

Founded in 1988, EcoLogo provides customers – public, corporate and consumer – with assurance that the products and services bearing the logo meet stringent environmental standards that have been verified by a third party auditor.

See also

  • Global EcoLabelling Network
    Global Ecolabelling Network
    The Global Ecolabelling Network is a non-profit interest group composed of 25 ecolabel organisations throughout the world.It was established in 1994 and its precursor, the German Blue Angel was established in 1978...

  • Green brands
    Green brands
    Green brands are those brands that consumers associate with environmental conservation and sustainable business practices.Such brands appeal to consumers who are becoming more aware of the need to protect the environment. A green brand can add a unique selling point to a product and can boost...

  • TerraChoice Environmental Marketing Inc.
    TerraChoice Environmental Marketing Inc.
    TerraChoice Environmental Marketing Inc. is an environmental consulting agency based in Ottawa, Canada. The company stewards the Environmental Choice Program for the Canadian government since 1995.-External links:* - Official site....

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