Ecma or ECMA may refer to:
  • Ecma International
    Ecma International
    Ecma International is an international, private non-profit standards organization for information and communication systems. It acquired its name in 1994, when the European Computer Manufacturers Association changed its name to reflect the organization's global reach and activities...

    , an international standards organization for Information Communication Technology and Consumer Electronics
  • Engineering College Magazines Associated
    Engineering College Magazines Associated
    Engineering College Magazines Associated is a group of student run, engineering based publications from across the US. It was founded in 1920 mainly through the efforts of Mr. W.B. Littell of a New York advertising firm named Littell-Murray-Barnhill...

    , a group of student-run engineering-based publications
  • East Coast Music Awards
    East Coast Music Association
    The East Coast Music Association is a non-profit association that hosts an annual awards ceremony based in Atlantic Canada for music appreciation on the East Coast of Canada...

    , an annual awards ceremony for music appreciation on the east coast of Canada
    • East Coast Music Association
      East Coast Music Association
      The East Coast Music Association is a non-profit association that hosts an annual awards ceremony based in Atlantic Canada for music appreciation on the East Coast of Canada...

      , a non-profit association that hosts the East Coast Music Awards
  • European Carton Makers Association
  • European Castor and wheel Manufacturer's Association

See also

  • ECMAScript
    ECMAScript is the scripting language standardized by Ecma International in the ECMA-262 specification and ISO/IEC 16262. The language is widely used for client-side scripting on the web, in the form of several well-known dialects such as JavaScript, JScript, and ActionScript.- History :JavaScript...

    , a scripting language whose best-known dialects are JavaScript and JScript
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