Doli is a fictional character
Fictional character
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...

 in Lloyd Alexander's
Lloyd Alexander
Lloyd Chudley Alexander was a widely influential American author of more than forty books, mostly fantasy novels for children and adolescents, as well as several adult books...

 fantasy series The Chronicles of Prydain
The Chronicles of Prydain
The Chronicles of Prydain is a five-volume series of children's fantasy novels by author Lloyd Alexander...

. Doli is one of the "fair folk", a nation of faeries, and other magical beings who live in an extensive underground kingdom that spans the entire country of Prydain
Prydain is the modern Welsh name for Britain.-Medieval:Prydain is the medieval Welsh term for the island of Britain . More specifically, Prydain may refer to the Brittonic parts of the island; that is, the parts south of Caledonia...



Doli is described as a short, stocky dwarf who carries a number of weapons including a battleaxe. He is adept in many skills including hunting, fighting, as well as magical skills such as turning invisible (although he obtains this skill only after the completion of one of his adventures). When first introduced, Doli seems to be gruff, short tempered, and unfriendly, with a tender side often staunchly, yet unsuccessfully, concealed. Doli's famous line from the books, which he often states gruffly yet with obvious unspoken pride as he is setting right something that has not been done well, is "Can't stand a botched job."

As a prominent figure in the books, Doli almost always appears or is included in quests undertaken by Taran
- Given name :* Taran, a 7th century king of the Picts* Taran Taran, founder of the Taran Panth religious sect* Taran Adarsh, an Indian film critic* Taran Killam, an American comic actor* Taran Noah Smith, an actor...

 the Assistant Pig-Keeper, the Princess Eilonwy, the gentle creature Gurgi
Gurgi is a fictional character in The Chronicles of Prydain, the series of fantasy novels by Lloyd Alexander. Gurgi is the hero Taran's faithful companion, appearing in all five books.- Profile :...

, and the self-styled Bard Fflewddur Fflam
Fflewddur Fflam
Fflewddur Fflam, son of Godo, is a cantrev lord in the fictional country of Prydain in Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain. He is referred to as a King, but it is made clear that he is a very minor king of a tiny kingdom at best, much less important than the High King who rules Prydain. His...



In The Book of Three, the companions meet Doli when they are trapped in the realm of the Fair Folk. Doli is ordered by his king to accompany them on their journey, fights valiantly when the party is beset by their enemies, and at the end of the story is granted the ability (which he has long coveted) to become invisible.

In The Black Cauldron
The Black Cauldron
The Black Cauldron can refer to:* The Black Cauldron , the second novel in The Chronicles of Prydain series* The Black Cauldron , the Disney animated film based on The Chronicles of Prydain book series...

, Doli is part of the raiding party which inflitrates Annuvin to steal the Black Crochan, only to find that it has been stolen already. He joins's Taran's companions near the Marshes of Morva
Marshes of Morva
The Marshes of Morva is a region in the fictional country of Prydain in Lloyd Alexander's fantasy series, The Chronicles of Prydain. It is most notable for being the home of the three Fates-like enchantresses, Orddu, Orwen and Orgoch.-Description:...

 and thence on their journey, rescuing them when they are captive through the use of his invisibility.

In Taran Wanderer
Taran Wanderer
Taran Wanderer is the fourth book in the Chronicles of Prydain series by Lloyd Alexander. It tells of Taran's search for his lineage through which he encounters many different people who each help to shape Taran as he learns about who he truly is. It is the only book in the series in which...

, Doli is turned into a frog
Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura , formerly referred to as Salientia . Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbed digits , protruding eyes and the absence of a tail...

 by the enchantments of the sorcerer Morda
Morda is a village on the outskirts of the town of Oswestry, Shropshire, England, located near the border of England and Wales.It is named after the River Morda, which, with the River Tanat, is one of the first major tributaries joining the River Severn as it wends its way from its birth place on...

 and is rescued by Taran, Gurgi and Fflewddur. He also reveals the magic in the horn that Eilonwy had given Taran.

In The High King
The High King
The High King is the last book in the Chronicles of Prydain fantasy series of books by Lloyd Alexander. It was awarded the Newbery Medal for excellence in American children's literature in 1969.-Plot overview:...

(winner of the Newbery Medal
Newbery Medal
The John Newbery Medal is a literary award given by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association . The award is given to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. The award has been given since 1922. ...

), Doli joins the companions again in a last effort to overthrow Arawn
In Welsh mythology, Arawn was the king of the otherworld realm of Annwn, appearing prominently in the first branch, and alluded to in the fourth. In later tradition, the role of king of Annwn was largely attributed to the Welsh psychopomp, Gwyn ap Nudd...

 and bring peace to the land. At the end of the book, he returns to the Fair Folk kingdom.

In The Foundling and Other Tales from Prydain, Doli is featured in a short story concerning a farmer and his foolish wish to stay as he is always. Doli gives him a stone that causes all things around him to remain as they are (similar to the effect seen in the movie Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day (film)
Groundhog Day is a 1993 American comedy film directed by Harold Ramis, starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. It was written by Ramis and Danny Rubin, based on a story by Rubin....


See also

  • Chronicles of Prydain characters
  • Lloyd Alexander
    Lloyd Alexander
    Lloyd Chudley Alexander was a widely influential American author of more than forty books, mostly fantasy novels for children and adolescents, as well as several adult books...

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