Die Publicisten
Die Publicisten is a waltz
The waltz is a ballroom and folk dance in time, performed primarily in closed position.- History :There are several references to a sliding or gliding dance,- a waltz, from the 16th century including the representations of the printer H.S. Beheim...

 by Johann Strauss II
Johann Strauss II
Johann Strauss II , also known as Johann Baptist Strauss or Johann Strauss, Jr., the Younger, or the Son , was an Austrian composer of light music, particularly dance music and operettas. He composed over 500 waltzes, polkas, quadrilles, and other types of dance music, as well as several operettas...

 composed in 1868. It was written for the sixth Concordia Ball held in the Sofienbad-Saal on the 4 February of the same year. The waltz's title was an allusion to Vienna
Vienna is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.723 million , and is by far the largest city in Austria, as well as its cultural, economic, and political centre...

's press, with whom he maintained a fruitful partnership that his family had enjoyed since the days of his father Johann Strauss I
Johann Strauss I
Johann Strauss I , born in Vienna, was an Austrian Romantic composer famous for his waltzes, and for popularizing them alongside Joseph Lanner, thereby setting the foundations for his sons to carry on his musical dynasty...

. The more or less symbiotic association was needed as the musical business of composers would inevitably flourish under favorable press reviews and the establishment of the Vienna Journalists' and Authors' Association in 1859 would signify an even more closer relationship between both composer and the press. The Concordia Ball named after the Roman God of civic concord had its first ball in 1863.

This waltz came at a time when Strauss' creative genius was at its pinnacle, with the famous waltzes Wiener Bonbons
Wiener Bonbons
Wiener Bonbons op. 307 is a waltz by Johann Strauss II written in 1866. It was first performed on 28 January 1866 at the ball of the Association of Industrial Societies held in the Redoutensaal and was dedicated to the influential Princess Pauline Metternich-Winneburg the wife of then Austrian...

 Op. 307, The Blue Danube
The Blue Danube
The Blue Danube is the common English title of An der schönen blauen Donau, Op. 314 , a waltz by the Austrian composer Johann Strauss II, composed in 1866...

 An der Schönen Blauen Donau Op. 314 and Künstlerleben
Künstlerleben op. 316 is a waltz written by Johann Strauss II in 1867, following closely on the success of the popular The Blue Danube waltz...

 Op. 316 already behind him, with the more compelling G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald waltz Op. 325 and the Wein, Weib und Gesang
Wein, Weib und Gesang
Wein, Weib und Gesang , Op. 333, is a waltz by Johann Strauss II. It is a choral waltz in its original form, although it is seldom heard in this version today. It was commissioned for the Vienna Men's Choral Association's so-called Fools' Evening on 2 February 1869 with a dedication to the...

 waltz op. 333 still to come. It also made a brief appearance in the pastiche
A pastiche is a literary or other artistic genre or technique that is a "hodge-podge" or imitation. The word is also a linguistic term used to describe an early stage in the development of a pidgin language.-Hodge-podge:...

 ballet Graduation Ball
Graduation Ball
"Graduation Ball" is a ballet, choreographed in 1940 in Australia by David Lichine during the 1939-1940 tour of the Original Ballet Russe. The single-act, light-hearted comic ballet was premiered on Friday, March 1st, 1940, in Sydney...

 by Antal Doráti
Antal Doráti
Antal Doráti, KBE was a Hungarian-born conductor and composer who became a naturalized American citizen in 1947.-Biography:...

 in the 'Perpetuum Mobile dance' number 10.

Die Publicisten is composed in the typical five 2-part sections waltz (hereinafter referred as waltz A and waltz B) The waltz's introduction was announced with trumpet
The trumpet is the musical instrument with the highest register in the brass family. Trumpets are among the oldest musical instruments, dating back to at least 1500 BCE. They are played by blowing air through closed lips, producing a "buzzing" sound which starts a standing wave vibration in the air...

s and other brass instruments before a brief accelerating march melody halts and the waltz themes start. Waltz 1A begins in a hesitant manner while waltz 1B is more flowing but not overly joyous. Waltz 2A intertwine between either of these moods but rushes to a joyful Waltz 2B. A brief waltz beat Intrada ushers in the solemn and plaintive Waltz 3A and the gentler but noticeably happier section 3B. Another brief Intrada brings in the cheeky-sounding waltz 4A whereas 4B is accompanied by triangle
Triangle (instrument)
The triangle is an idiophone type of musical instrument in the percussion family. It is a bar of metal, usually steel but sometimes other metals like beryllium copper, bent into a triangle shape. The instrument is usually held by a loop of some form of thread or wire at the top curve...

s while the unobtrusive mood of the piece continues. Yet another brief Intrada brings in the peaceful waltz 5A while the final section 5B, Strauss allows the genial nature of the piece to unfold until the coda
Coda (music)
Coda is a term used in music in a number of different senses, primarily to designate a passage that brings a piece to an end. Technically, it is an expanded cadence...

. After the brief but restless-sounding coda, the entire waltz 2A and 2B are repeated once. The first section is played again before rushing into an exciting and joyous conclusion, with the typical snare drumroll and the brass flourish.
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