Dance and Dense Denso
Dance and Dense Denso is Mexican
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...

 band Molotov
Molotov (band)
Molotov is a four-time Latin Grammy Award-winning Mexican rock band formed in Mexico City on September 23, 1995. Their lyrics feature a mixture of Spanish and English, rapped and sung by all members of the group. Musically, Molotov blends heavy basslines with heavy guitar riffs...

's third LP,
released in 2003 through Universal Music Latino. It includes the hit "Frijolero
Frijolero (song)
Frijolero is a song from Molotov's 2003 record Dance and Dense Denso. Its lyrics comprise an exchange where characters trade racially loaded barbs at the Mexico–US border...


Track listing

  1. "Dance and Dense Denso"
  2. "Here We Kum"
  3. "Changüich a la Chichona"
  4. "No Me Da Mi Navidad (Punketon)"
  5. "Noko"
  6. "Frijolero
    Frijolero (song)
    Frijolero is a song from Molotov's 2003 record Dance and Dense Denso. Its lyrics comprise an exchange where characters trade racially loaded barbs at the Mexico–US border...

  7. "E. Charles White"
  8. "Queremos Pastel"
  9. "I'm the One"
  10. "Nostradamus Mucho"
  11. "Hit Me"
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