Command Decision (play)
Command Decision was a 1948 play in three acts written by William Wister Haines
William Wister Haines
William Wister Haines was an American author, screenwriter, and playwright. His most notable work, Command Decision, was published as a novel, play, and screenplay following World War II.-Personal history:...

, and formed the basis for his best-selling novel of the same title. Produced by Kermit Bloomgarden
Kermit Bloomgarden
Kermit Bloomgarden was an American theatrical producer, who had started out as an accountant, before producing plays on Broadway including Death of a Salesman, Look Homeward, Angel, The Music Man and Equus.Bloomgarden was born in Brooklyn to Zemad and Annie Groden Bloomgarden, where he attended...

 and directed by John O'Shaughnessy, it ran for 409 performances from October 1, 1947 to September 18, 1948 at the Fulton Theatre
Fulton Theatre/Helen Hayes Theatre
The Fulton Theatre was a Broadway Theatre located at 210 West 46th Street in New York that was opened in 1911. It was re-named the Helen Hayes Theatre in 1955. The theatre was demolished in 1982...

 in New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...

. Actor Paul Kelly
Paul Kelly (actor)
Paul Michael Kelly was an American child actor who later as an adult became a stage, film, and television actor.-Child actor:...

 shared the Best Actor Tony Award that year for his performance. Actor James Whitmore
James Whitmore
James Allen Whitmore, Jr. was an American film and stage actor.-Early life:Born in White Plains, New York, to Florence Belle and James Allen Whitmore, Sr., a park commission official, Whitmore attended Amherst Central High School in Snyder, New York, before graduating from The Choate School in...

 was awarded the Tony Award for "Best Performance by a Newcomer".

Haines, a novelist, served during World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...

 as an intelligence officer
Military intelligence
Military intelligence is a military discipline that exploits a number of information collection and analysis approaches to provide guidance and direction to commanders in support of their decisions....

 on the staff of the U.S. Eighth Air Force
Eighth Air Force
The Eighth Air Force is a numbered air force of the United States Air Force Global Strike Command . It is headquartered at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana....

 in England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

 between 1942 and 1945. From his experiences he wrote Command Decision as a stage play in 1945 but was unable to sell it. He followed suggestions that he first publish it in novel form and the book became both a best-seller and critical success.

The play was adapted in 1948 as a film of the same name
Command Decision (film)
Command Decision is a 1948 war film starring Clark Gable, Walter Pidgeon, Van Johnson and Brian Donlevy and directed by Sam Wood, based on a stage play of the same name written by William Wister Haines, which he based on his best-selling novel. The screenplay for the film was written by George...


Plot synopsis

Although in three acts, the action is played out in four sections. Act II is divided into two scenes each as long as Act I, while Act III is approximately half the length of the others.

Act I

About 4 P.M. on a Saturday afternoon

In the second half of 1943, War correspondent
War correspondent
A war correspondent is a journalist who covers stories firsthand from a war zone. In the 19th century they were also called Special Correspondents.-Methods:...

 Elmer Brockhurst enters the headquarters office of the commanding general of the U.S. Army Air Forces' Fifth Bombardment Division . He questions the general's orderly
A medical orderly , is a hospital attendant whose job consists of assisting medical and/or nursing staff with various nursing and/or medical interventions. These duties are classified as routine tasks involving no risk for the patient.- Job details :Orderlies are often utilized in various hospital...

, T/Sgt. Harold Evans, about a mysterious German fighter under guard in a hangar and the record losses of B-17s on a mission the day before, then tries to milk him for information about the arrest of a squadron commander, Captain Lucius Jenks. Evans rebuffs him.

Brig. Gen. K. C. "Casey" Dennis comes into his office to discuss the daily round of problems with his chief of staff, Col. Haley, and to interview Jenks. He soon finds that he has an unexpected public relations crisis on his hands after losing 40 bombers on the previous day's mission. His superior, Maj. Gen. R.G. Kane, enters during the interview, bringing with him Brig. Gen. Clifton C. Garnett from the Pentagon, a West Point
United States Military Academy
The United States Military Academy at West Point is a four-year coeducational federal service academy located at West Point, New York. The academy sits on scenic high ground overlooking the Hudson River, north of New York City...

 classmate and career rival of Dennis —and brother-in-law to Dennis's operations officer, Col. Ted Martin. Garnett's greeting reveals that Dennis took command of the Fifth Division not long before when their mutual friend Joe Lucas was killed. Garnett's visit stirs speculation that he has been sent by the United Chiefs to replace either Kane or Dennis in command.

Dennis and Brockhurst, old antagonists in conflicts between the military and the press
News media
The news media are those elements of the mass media that focus on delivering news to the general public or a target public.These include print media , broadcast news , and more recently the Internet .-Etymology:A medium is a carrier of something...

, clash again when Jenks attempts to reveal the day's target to the reporter. Kane asks Brockhurst to leave for security reason, and Dennis identifies the target as Schweinhafen. Kanes realizes Dennis has begun Operation Stitch in Kane's absence. Kane takes Jenks outside to talk to him privately; in his absence Garnett quibbles with Dennis over the danger inherent in Ted Martin leading missions. When Kane returns, Garnett demands to be informed about the nature of Stitch. Dennis outlines the threat of new German German jet fighters
Messerschmitt Me 262
The Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe was the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft. Design work started before World War II began, but engine problems prevented the aircraft from attaining operational status with the Luftwaffe until mid-1944...

, and that Stitch seeks to destroy the factories building them before they can go into operation and crush American strategic bombing
Strategic bombing
Strategic bombing is a military strategy used in a total war with the goal of defeating an enemy nation-state by destroying its economic ability and public will to wage war rather than destroying its land or naval forces...

. It becomes clear that Kane has deliberately withheld information about the jet from the Pentagon to delay the operation and hold down losses.

The return of the day's mission interrupts, culminating in the off-stage crash of a bomber. Evans steers the visitors out of the office on a pretext, allowing Dennis time with Martin, who reveals that they attacked the wrong target. Martin urges him to keep quiet about the mistake, because the two cities are indistinguishable, until they can finish the job. As the curtain comes down on Act I, Dennis reminds Martin that Kane must be told because he is in command.

Scene 1

About 10 P.M. the same evening

Kane and party return as Dennis impatiently waits to send out his field order for the next day's mission. Brockhurst has been taken into Kane's confidence regarding Stitch. Lt. Goldberg, a bombardier, enters with photographs identifying the target struck in error, the revelation of the mistake triggering shock and outrage in the others.

Kane and Dennis are both ensnared in political minefields. Kane's headquarters reports that a visiting congressional oversight committee
United States Congress
The United States Congress is the bicameral legislature of the federal government of the United States, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Congress meets in the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C....

 is due. Garnett's presences strongly implies to both that unless low loss missions are laid on, to strengthen the Air Force's position at a resource allocation conference in the Pentagon in three days, either or both might be relieved of command. Dennis, however, is concerned only with Stitch. A third city, Fendelhorst, must also be attacked, and Dennis's bomb division is the only unit able to reach these targets beyond the range of escorting U.S. fighters. A rare stretch of clear weather, about to end, presents an opportunity to complete the operation before the Luftwaffe
Luftwaffe is a generic German term for an air force. It is also the official name for two of the four historic German air forces, the Wehrmacht air arm founded in 1935 and disbanded in 1946; and the current Bundeswehr air arm founded in 1956....

 can mount an impenetrable defense. In Dennis's judgment, the mission is worth any cost.

Unbeknownst to Dennis, Garnett offers Martin a job as chief of staff (with a promotion) in the B-29
B-29 Superfortress
The B-29 Superfortress is a four-engine propeller-driven heavy bomber designed by Boeing that was flown primarily by the United States Air Forces in late-World War II and through the Korean War. The B-29 was one of the largest aircraft to see service during World War II...

 command he expects to receive. Kane denies permission to attack Schweinhafen again but Dennis blackmail
In common usage, blackmail is a crime involving threats to reveal substantially true or false information about a person to the public, a family member, or associates unless a demand is met. It may be defined as coercion involving threats of physical harm, threat of criminal prosecution, or threats...

s him by threatening to prefer charges against Capt. Jenks. Aware that Jenks is a constituent of Congressman Malcolm of the visiting Military Affairs Committee, Dennis coerces Kane into giving permission to continue Stitch by contriving to have Jenks (who refused to fly the mission to Schweinhafen) accompany Malcolm and receive a medal during the Committee's visit. At the curtain for Scene 1, Martin warns Dennis that Kane will renege on his permission by recalling the mission after it takes off and demands assignment as mission leader.

Scene 2

Sunday Noon, the following day

The second attack on Schweinhafen is aleady underway as Kane's aide gives a scripted presentation promoting strategic airpower to the visiting congressional committee. Congressman Malcolm quickly shows an animus to Dennis, charging him with recklessly causing heavy losses. Tensions rise, but Evans uses political savvy and liquor to ease the situation. Brockhurst apologizes to Dennis when he learns that Kane has let the mission proceed, only to send a recall order he knows will be ignored by Martin, to shift any blame for losses to Dennis. Martin sends the signal that this time Schweinhafen has been destroyed. During the ceremony to decorate Jenks, however, Dennis is brought a message that Martin's B-17 is shot down and Malcolm angrily accuses Dennis of killing Martin. Dennis shakes him by the lapels and flings him into a chair. At the close of Act II, Kane relieves Dennis of command and replaces him with Garnett.


Sunday the same day. About 8 P.M.

Evans prepares the office for its new occupant. As Garnett queries each member of his staff about the next day's operations, he clearly seeks justification to order an easy mission. Dennis enters to see if there is any further news about Martin's fate, and commiserates with Garnett, stunning him with the disclosure that their seemingly imperturbable predecessor, Joe Lucas, actually died a suicide after repeatedly ordering men to their deaths. Garnett suddenly realizes that Dennis hated every minute of his duties. Despite a conversation with a drunken homesick
Homesickness is the distress or impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation from the specific home environment or attachment objects....

 pilot, Capt. George Washington Culpepper Lee, who looks forward to a "milk run" for the final mission of his tour, Garnett makes the command decision to attack Fendelhorst while the weather permits. Dennis looks forward to a training command in the United States, where he can be near his family, but a message from the Pentagon orders him to China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...

 and the new B-29 command. Dennis orders Evans to get his gear too.

Opening night cast

In order of appearance
  • Edmon Ryan
    Edmon Ryan
    Edmon Ryan was an American television and film actor.-Selected filmography:* Gangway * Hey! Hey! USA * Murder in Soho * The Dark Eyes of London * Mystery Street * Two for the Seesaw...

     ... War correspondent Elmer Brockhurst
  • James Whitmore
    James Whitmore
    James Allen Whitmore, Jr. was an American film and stage actor.-Early life:Born in White Plains, New York, to Florence Belle and James Allen Whitmore, Sr., a park commission official, Whitmore attended Amherst Central High School in Snyder, New York, before graduating from The Choate School in...

     ... Tech Sergeant Harold Evans
  • Paul Kelly
    Paul Kelly (actor)
    Paul Michael Kelly was an American child actor who later as an adult became a stage, film, and television actor.-Child actor:...

     ... Brigadier General K.C. Dennis
  • Neill O'Malley ... Colonel Ernest Haley
  • West Hooker ... Enlisted Armed Guard
  • Arthur Franz
    Arthur Franz
    Arthur Franz was a B-movie actor whose most notable role was as Lieutenant, Junior Grade H. Paynter, Jr. in The Caine Mutiny. He also appeared in Roseanna McCoy , Invaders from Mars , Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man and The Unholy Wife , among others...

     ... Captain Lucius Jenks
  • Jay Fassett ... Major General Roland Goodlow Kane
  • Paul McGrath
    Paul McGrath (actor)
    Paul McGrath was an American film, television, Broadway, and Pittsburgh actor best known for his radio appearances in the 1940s and 1950s. He was born in Chicago, Illinois and died in London, England.-See also:...

     ... Brigadier General Clifton C. Garnett
  • William Layton ... Major Homer Prescott
  • Stephen Elliott
    Stephen Elliott (actor)
    Stephen Elliott was an American actor. His best known role was that of crime boss, Burt Johnson, in the hit 1981 film Arthur.-Theatre:Elliott's first acting engagement was at the New York Neighborhood Playhouse in 1946...

     ... Colonel Edward Martin
  • John Randolph
    John Randolph (actor)
    John Randolph was an American film, television and stage actor.-Early life:Randolph was born Emanuel Hirsch Cohen in New York City, the son of Jewish immigrants Dorothy , an insurance agent, and Louis Cohen, a hat manufacturer...

     ... Lt. Jake Goldberg
  • Lewis Martin ... Major Desmond Lansing
  • Robert Pike ... Major Belding Davis
  • Walter Black ... Major Rufus Dayhuff
  • Paul Ford ... Mr. Arthur Malcolm
  • Frank McNellis ... Mr. Oliver Stone
  • James Holden
    James Holden (actor)
    James Holden was an American actor, best known for playing Clay Baker in the TV series Adventures in Paradise.- External links :*...

     ... Captain G. W. C. Lee
  • Ed Binns
    Ed Binns
    Edward Binns was a stage, film, and television actor.Binns was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After appearing in a number of Broadway plays, Binns began appearing in films in the early 1950s...

     ... N.C.O. Photographer

Casting notes

Edward Binns, who opened in the small role of a military photographer, took over the supporting cast role of Col. Ernest "Ernie" Haley, Dennis's chief of staff. Assistant stage manager Leonard Patrick then assumed the role of the photographer during the remainder of the run.


The setting as described by Haines is the headquarters office of General Dennis in the headquarters of the Fifth Bombardment Division, Heavy, in England. The set depicts one end of a large, curved-roofed Nissen hut
Nissen hut
A Nissen hut is a prefabricated steel structure made from a half-cylindrical skin of corrugated steel, a variant of which was used extensively during World War II.-Description:...

 with the entrance door on the back wall left, entering from an ante-room. An alcove on the back wall right leads to a second door, through which the clicking of a teleprinter
A teleprinter is a electromechanical typewriter that can be used to communicate typed messages from point to point and point to multipoint over a variety of communication channels that range from a simple electrical connection, such as a pair of wires, to the use of radio and microwave as the...

 can be heard. The office is furnished with filing cabinets, chairs, a large desk, and a pot-bellied coal stove. On its back wall are curtained status boards and wall maps, and a rack of Tommy guns
Thompson submachine gun
The Thompson is an American submachine gun, invented by John T. Thompson in 1919, that became infamous during the Prohibition era. It was a common sight in the media of the time, being used by both law enforcement officers and criminals...

. On the left wall are large windows looking out on an airfield. An audio tape of sound effect
Sound effect
For the album by The Jam, see Sound Affects.Sound effects or audio effects are artificially created or enhanced sounds, or sound processes used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, television shows, live performance, animation, video games, music, or other media...

s of the teleprinter, flying and crashing bombers, and sirens is offered by the publisher.

Awards and nominations

  • Paul Kelly
    Paul Kelly (actor)
    Paul Michael Kelly was an American child actor who later as an adult became a stage, film, and television actor.-Child actor:...

    , co-winner, 1948 Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play
    Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play
    The Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play presented since 1947, is awarded to actors in productions of new or revival plays.-1940s:*1947 - José Ferrer – Cyrano de Bergerac / Fredric March – Years Ago...

  • James Whitmore
    James Whitmore
    James Allen Whitmore, Jr. was an American film and stage actor.-Early life:Born in White Plains, New York, to Florence Belle and James Allen Whitmore, Sr., a park commission official, Whitmore attended Amherst Central High School in Snyder, New York, before graduating from The Choate School in...

    , winner, 1948 Tony Award
    Tony Award
    The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known as a Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live Broadway theatre. The awards are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. The awards are given for Broadway...

     Outstanding Performance by a Newcomer
  • James Whitmore, winner, 1948 Theatre World Award
    Theatre World Award
    The Theatre World Award, first awarded for the 1945-46 season, is an American honor presented annually to actors and actresses in recognition of an outstanding New York City stage debut performance, either on Broadway or off-Broadway.-History:...

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