Chirag language
Chirag is a language from the Dargin dialect continuum
Dargin languages
The Dargin languages consist of a dialect continuum of Northeast Caucasian languages spoken in southcentral Dagestan. Kajtak, Kubachi, Itsari, and Chirag are often considered dialects of the same Dargin/Dargwa language. The Ethnologue lists these under a common Dargin language, but also states that...

 spoken in Dagestan
The Republic of Dagestan is a federal subject of Russia, located in the North Caucasus region. Its capital and the largest city is Makhachkala, located at the center of Dagestan on the Caspian Sea...

, Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...

. It is often considered a divergent dialect of Dargwa
Dargwa language
The Dargwa or Dargin language is spoken by the Dargin people of Dagestan. It is the literary and main dialect of the dialect continuum constituting the Dargin languages. The four other languages in this dialect continuum are often considered variants of Dargwa...

. The Ethnologue
Ethnologue: Languages of the World is a web and print publication of SIL International , a Christian linguistic service organization, which studies lesser-known languages, to provide the speakers with Bibles in their native language and support their efforts in language development.The Ethnologue...

lists it under the dialects of Dargwa, but recognizes that it may be a separate language.
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