Child harvesting
Child harvesting is a term used to describe the active drafting of parents and children for the adoption market and is particularly associated with and prevalent in some international adoption
International adoption
International adoption is a type of adoption in which an individual or couple becomes the legal and permanent parents of a child that is a national of a different country...

 countries and markets.

Typically a relinquishing family or parent is duped into permanently giving away the child for adoption without any hope of ever re-connecting with the child.

See also

  • Child laundering
    Child laundering
    Child laundering is the stealing and selling of children to adopting parents under false pretenses. Often the adoption agency or adoption facilitator hides or falsifies the child's origin to make the child appear to be a legitimate orphan by manipulating birth certificates, intake records, or...

  • Child trafficking
  • List of international adoption scandals
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