Carmela Menashe
Carmela Menashe is an Israeli journalist serving as a military reporter on IDF
Israel Defense Forces
The Israel Defense Forces , commonly known in Israel by the Hebrew acronym Tzahal , are the military forces of the State of Israel. They consist of the ground forces, air force and navy. It is the sole military wing of the Israeli security forces, and has no civilian jurisdiction within Israel...

 issues, on Israel's public radio Kol Yisrael
Kol Yisrael
Kol Yisrael is Israel's public domestic and international radio service, operated as a division of the Israel Broadcasting Authority.-History:...


In 1974, Menashe started working at Kol Yisrael as a secretary. After graduating from a correspondents course, she was appointed the editor of the "Tzivei Keshset" radio program.. In 1981 she started her work with the news unit, and two years later she was appointed correspondent for police and criminal matters, and was the first woman in Israel to fill this position. In 1988 she was made military correspondent and was the first woman on the radio in a role that was thus far considered suitable for men only. Since 1994 she has also served as the director of military reporters at Kol Yisrael.

Menashe is considered one of the most prominent journalists in Israel. Among military personalities she earned her nickname as "The mother of the [Israeli] soldiers", following exposures of many failures and scandals in the security community of the way they treated soldiers problems, and by broadcasting these matters on Kol Yisrael radio. On the other hand, she was also criticized on leading a trend, using her broadcasts, of an individual treatment of soldiers, arguing that this trend hardens the training and functioning of the IDF.

Menashe is a single mother and holds a master's degree in history of the Jewish People from Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv University is a public university located in Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel. With nearly 30,000 students, TAU is Israel's largest university.-History:...

. Her Thesis or dissertation in 1992 was "The illegal Aliyah
Aliyah is the immigration of Jews to the Land of Israel . It is a basic tenet of Zionist ideology. The opposite action, emigration from Israel, is referred to as yerida . The return to the Holy Land has been a Jewish aspiration since the Babylonian exile...

 from Iraq to Israel from 1941-1947", and was directed by Professor Daniel Carpi.

Awards and recognition

  • The Sokolov Award
    Sokolov Award
    The Sokolov Prize is an Israeli journalism award, awarded by the Tel Aviv municipality, in memory of Nahum Sokolow.The award has been granted since 1956, initially to outstanding print journalists and since 1981 to journalists from the electronic media...

     for her exposés and activities.
  • The Bnot Brit award for outstanding contribution to society security.
  • the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Ilan Roe Award presented by the CEO.
  • The Movement for Quality Government in Israel
    Movement for Quality Government in Israel
    The Movement for Quality Government in Israel is an Israeli non-profit organization numbering about 17,000 members. Formed as a protest movement on March 1990 during the coalitionary crisis, it is today the leading public petitioner to the Supreme Court of Israel.The organization is an influential...

  • In 2008, the Ometz - citizens for proper government and social and judicial justice award.
  • In 2010, the EMET prize for excellence in academic and professional achievements in the arts, science and culture.
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