Australian Speleological Federation
Australian Speleological Federation Inc. is an Environmental Organisation, registered by the Department of the Environment and Heritage in Canberra
Canberra is the capital city of Australia. With a population of over 345,000, it is Australia's largest inland city and the eighth-largest city overall. The city is located at the northern end of the Australian Capital Territory , south-west of Sydney, and north-east of Melbourne...

, Australia, with the primary objective of protecting the cave
A cave or cavern is a natural underground space large enough for a human to enter. The term applies to natural cavities some part of which is in total darkness. The word cave also includes smaller spaces like rock shelters, sea caves, and grottos.Speleology is the science of exploration and study...

 and karst
Kilometer-square Area Radio Synthesis Telescope is a Chinese telescope project to which FAST is a forerunner. KARST is a set of large spherical reflectors on karst landforms, which are bowlshaped limestone sinkholes named after the Kras region in Slovenia and Northern Italy. It will consist of...

environment of Australia. Formed in 1956, it is a national organisation consisting of about 30 clubs and 850 individuals, where each full-member club has votes on the governing Council according to its size. Between the annual Council Meetings, the Federation is governed by an elected Executive. There is also provision for non-voting membership by individuals and organisations. A full conference with field trips is held every two years in a different State.

Further reading

  • Watson, J.R. Australian Conference on Cave Tourism and Management (4th : 1981 : Yallingup) Proceedings of the fourth Australian Conference on Cave Tourism and Management : Yallingup, Western Australia, September 1981. hosted jointly by Busselton Tourist Bureau and Australian Speleological Federation. Perth:National Parks Authority, Western Australia and The Federation. Series:Cave management in Australia, 0159-54 15 ; 4
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