Zuckerkandl's fascia
Zuckerkandl's fascia or fascia retrorenalis is a fibrous sheath covering the posterior side of the kidney
The kidneys, organs with several functions, serve essential regulatory roles in most animals, including vertebrates and some invertebrates. They are essential in the urinary system and also serve homeostatic functions such as the regulation of electrolytes, maintenance of acid–base balance, and...

. It constitutes the posterior layer of the renal fascia
Renal fascia
The renal fascia is a layer of connective tissue encapsulating the kidneys. The deeper layers below the renal fascia are, in order, the perinephric fat , renal capsule, and finally the parenchyma of the renal cortex...

 and was first described by Emil Zuckerkandl
Emil Zuckerkandl
----Emil Zuckerkandl was a Hungarian-Austrian anatomist.He was educated at the University of Vienna and was an admiring student of Josef Hyrtl...

in 1883..
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