XHTML Friends Network
XHTML Friends Network is an HTML
HyperText Markup Language is the predominant markup language for web pages. HTML elements are the basic building-blocks of webpages....

A microformat is a web-based approach to semantic markup which seeks to re-use existing HTML/XHTML tags to convey metadata and other attributes in web pages and other contexts that support HTML, such as RSS...

 developed by Global Multimedia Protocols Group
Global Multimedia Protocols Group
The Global Multimedia Protocols Group was founded in March 2003 by Tantek Çelik, Eric Meyer, and Matt Mullenweg. The group has developed methods to represent human relationships using XHTML called XHTML Friends Network and XHTML Meta Data Profiles , for use in weblogs....

 that provides a simple way to represent human relationships using links. XFN enables web authors to indicate relationships to the people in their blogrolls by adding one or more keywords as the rel attribute
Rel attribute
A link relation is a descriptive attribute attached to a hyperlink in order to define the type of the link, or the relationship between the source and destination resources. The attribute can be used by automated systems, or can be presented to a user in a different way.In HTML these are designated...

 to their links. XFN was the first microformat
A microformat is a web-based approach to semantic markup which seeks to re-use existing HTML/XHTML tags to convey metadata and other attributes in web pages and other contexts that support HTML, such as RSS...

, introduced in December 2003.


A friend of Jimmy Example could indicate that relationship by publishing a link on their site like this:
Jimmy Example

Multiple values may be used, so if that friend has met Jimmy:
Jimmy Example

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.