The Spirit Ring
The Spirit Ring is a fantasy novel by Lois McMaster Bujold
Lois McMaster Bujold
Lois McMaster Bujold is an American author of science fiction and fantasy works. Bujold is one of the most acclaimed writers in her field, having won the prestigious Hugo Award for best novel four times, matching Robert A. Heinlein's record. Her novella The Mountains of Mourning won both the Hugo...

, published in 1992.

Plot synopsis

The Spirit Ring is loosely based on Agricola's
Georg Agricola
Georgius Agricola was a German scholar and scientist. Known as "the father of mineralogy", he was born at Glauchau in Saxony. His real name was Georg Pawer; Agricola is the Latinised version of his name, Pawer meaning "farmer"...

 De re metallica
De re metallica
De re metallica is a book cataloguing the state of the art of mining, refining, and smelting metals, published in 1556. The author was Georg Bauer, whose pen name was the Latinized Georgius Agricola...

, as well as on a folk tale, and the life of Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini was an Italian goldsmith, sculptor, painter, soldier and musician, who also wrote a famous autobiography. He was one of the most important artists of Mannerism.-Youth:...

, as is explained in the Author's Notes that follow the last chapter. To these foundations Ms. Bujold has added a heroine, hero and villains of her own invention. The tale is placed in a fictional city-state, Montefoglia, on the Piedmont of Italy. Whether it is intended to be beside Lake Como or Lake Garda is not immediately obvious, though the former seems more likely. Magic, as a routine technical craft, has been added to the late Medieval time setting. The heroine's particular talent is pyrokinesis
Pyrokinesis, derived from the Greek words and , was the name coined by horror novelist Stephen King for the ability to create or to control fire with the mind that he gave to the protagonist Charlie McGee in Firestarter...

; her guide-word is "piro".

The heroine is fifteen-year-old Fiametta, daughter of a master metal-worker and magician: Prospero Beneforte. He indulges her wish to learn to make magical items of metal, though this is not generally viewed as appropriate for her gender, and she is casting a lion's-head ring with a love spell at the story's opening. The spell in fact identifies a 'true heart', rather than capturing such a heart, and Fiametta is chagrined when the heart it selects belongs to a young Swiss miner. This modest hero, Thur Ochs, has come to Montefoglia hoping his brother Uri, employed in the palace guard of Duke Sandrino, can get him a place in the castle.

But Uri is killed in the fight when Duke Sandrino is usurped by an ambitious mercenary leader, Lord Ferrante. Ferrante's magician, Vitelli, pickles Uri's body in salt for future use in making a ring of power — the spirit ring of the book's title. Fiametta and her father, who were present to deliver a commissioned work when the fight began, manage to escape but are followed by Ferrante's men. Prospero dies of a heart attack while holding the attackers back to let Fiametta escape, and his body eventually is added to that of Uri as a resource for ring-making.

The story then follows Fiametta, Thur, and the local Abbot as they find out Lord Ferrante's plans and invent ways to block them. The grandest of these is the use of the casting of a larger-than-life bronze Perseus figure, Master Beneforte's masterwork that had only reached the wax model stage before his death, and the voluntary investment in it of the spirit of Uri Ochs. This invincible soldier is able to lead a rabble of townspeople into the castle and kills Lord Ferrante just before it cools to immobility. The Abbot manages to shrive the spirits of the assorted casualties of the concluding battle, Fiametta manages to unmake the ring, and Master Beneforte in spirit form helps end the career of Vitelli. The moral of the tale is that triumph over evil was made possible only by the combined skills and actions of Fiametta, Thur, Uri, and Abbot Monreale. The happy ending is the marriage of Fiametta and Thur.

This book models themes that appear in most of Lois' subsequent writing: fully fleshed-out characters with credible motivations whose understanding grows as the story goes on, real-seeming landscapes with weather and vegetation, romantic attractions seen from both points of view, and villains who are evil but whose flaws of character and action flow naturally. As befits the setting of The Spirit Ring, there are characters that take Christianity very seriously. Both Fiametta and Monreale pray seriously that their magic, used to defeat the evil Ferrante, will work.

External review

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