The People vs. Martin Sugar
The People vs. Martin Sugar is the seventh episode of the sixth season of American Dad!
American Dad!
American Dad! is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane and owned by Underdog Productions and Fuzzy Door Productions. It is produced in association with 20th Century Fox Television...

It aired on Fox
Fox is a common name for many species of omnivorous mammals belonging to the Canidae family. Foxes are small to medium-sized canids , characterized by possessing a long narrow snout, and a bushy tail .Members of about 37 species are referred to as foxes, of which only 12 species actually belong to...

 in the United States on December 5, 2010.


Stan spends each year anxiously awaiting his annual jury summons, eager to volunteer as soon as possible. However, this annoys Roger who makes a point of blowing off such summons. When Stan tells him that one day he will have to answer for his misdeeds, Roger scoffs, bragging that his charm can get him out of anything. But when Roger is the defendant in the trial where Stan is the foreman, Stan is finally in a position to see to it that Roger is held accountable for his misdeeds. Seeing that Stan refuses to help him, Roger turns on the charm and gains the trust of the entire courtroom. Only when Stan refuses to let the other jurors leave do they return a guilty verdict. On his way to prison, Roger escapes. Stan sees the news and takes off in pursuit, although when his attempt to pass himself off as a federal marshal fails, he knocks out a real marshal to steal his jacket. When Roger calls him to taunt him, he trips up and reveals his location, forcing Roger to change personas. With the help of a bloodhound, Stan tracks Roger to a former employee's house where he finds Roger attempting to retrieve money to leave the country. Roger begs Stan to let him go, promising to do his civic duty. As Stan places Roger under arrest, the marshal that Stan knocked out earlier arrives with two policeman and places Stan under arrest. Stan goes on trial only to find Roger as part of the jury determined to convict him, and sweet-talking a female juror to do the same.

Meanwhile, Jeff and Hayley move in with the Smiths, and Francine is forced to get Jeff to clean up his act by cutting off smoking pot. Hayley and Jeff protest, citing a medical condition known as HLS but are dismissed by Francine, and Jeff agrees to go along. Jeff's condition soon proves to be more shocking than Francine imagined as when he is not stoned, Jeff finds he must masturbate in the nude constantly. Francine tries to offer advice to Hayley to help keep Jeff under control but nothing works. Finding Jeff pleasuring himself in the cabinet, Francine gives up and joins Jeff in getting stoned.


The A.V. Club
The A.V. Club
The A.V. Club is an entertainment newspaper and website published by The Onion. Its features include reviews of new films, music, television, books, games and DVDs, as well as interviews and other regular offerings examining both new and classic media and other elements of pop culture. Unlike its...

graded the episode a B+, stating "I liked all of the business in the courtroom, particularly the more ludicrous Roger's flagrant violations of courtroom protocol became, and I liked all of the strange side gags, like the living statue running from the man who received Roger's note. The B-plot about Jeff masturbating all over the house was good for one or two solid laughs but was otherwise inconsequential. That said, any episode that largely concludes with Francine drinking two liters of Sunkist and then belching is probably a good one".

The Parents Television Council
Parents Television Council
The Parents Television Council is a U.S. based advocacy group founded by conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III in 1995 using the National Legion of Decency as a model...

, a frequent critic of Seth MacFarlane
Seth MacFarlane
Seth Woodbury MacFarlane is an American animator, writer, comedian, producer, actor, singer, voice actor, and director best known for creating the animated sitcoms Family Guy, American Dad! and The Cleveland Show, for which he also voices many of the shows' various characters.A native of Kent,...

shows, named The People vs. Martin Sugar the "Worst Show of the Week" for the week ending December 9. The PTC's concern was the subplot involving Jeff, for containing "explicit drug and jacking-off references"
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