The Daily Coyote
The Daily Coyote is a book written by Shreve Stockton published by Simon and Schuster in 2008.

It chronicles the story of a young woman who moves to Wyoming
Wyoming is a state in the mountain region of the Western United States. The western two thirds of the state is covered mostly with the mountain ranges and rangelands in the foothills of the Eastern Rocky Mountains, while the eastern third of the state is high elevation prairie known as the High...

 after living in New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...

 and her adjustment to the same. During this time, she is given a ten day old coyote
The coyote , also known as the American jackal or the prairie wolf, is a species of canine found throughout North and Central America, ranging from Panama in the south, north through Mexico, the United States and Canada...

pup which she raises. The book describes the joys and troubles she experiences raising a coyote and details who she started a website were she would daily post a picture of the coyote. The website gave rise to the title "The Daily Coyote."
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