The Connect U.S. Fund
The Connect U.S. Fund is a Washington based non-profit organization that promotes responsible U.S. global engagement on nuclear non-proliferation, human rights, climate change and development. The organization supports grantees and other non-governmental organizations in their efforts to collaborate effectively within and between issue areas, to engage policy makers, and to bring issues to the attention of the media. Currently a former Ambassador to the United Nations Nancy E. Soderberg
Nancy Soderberg
Nancy Soderberg is an American foreign policy strategist who held several senior level positions in the Clinton administration. She currently is President of the Connect US Fund in Washington DC and resides in Jacksonville, Florida where she is a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the University...

 serves as President of The Connect U.S. Fund.


The Connect U.S. initiative was founded in 2004 by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation is a private foundation, established by Hewlett-Packard cofounder William Reddington Hewlett and his wife Flora Lamson Hewlett in 1967. The Hewlett Foundation awards grants to support educational and cultural institutions and to advance certain social and...

, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation is a charitable foundation founded in 1926 by Charles Stewart Mott of Flint, Michigan. Mott was the leading industrialist in Flint through his association with General Motors....

, the Open Society Institute
Open Society Institute
The Open Society Institute , renamed in 2011 to Open Society Foundations, is a private operating and grantmaking foundation started by George Soros, aimed to shape public policy to promote democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal, and social reform...

 and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund , , is an international philanthropic organisation created and run by members of the Rockefeller family. It was set up in New York City in 1940 as the primary philanthropic vehicle of the five famous Rockefeller brothers: John D...

 to unite and support a growing number of U.S.-based organizations that work on international affairs. Since then a number of foundations and organizations joined the initiative, including the Ford Foundation
Ford Foundation
The Ford Foundation is a private foundation incorporated in Michigan and based in New York City created to fund programs that were chartered in 1936 by Edsel Ford and Henry Ford....

 and the Ploughshares Fund
Ploughshares Fund
The Ploughshares Fund is a public grantmaking foundation that supports initiatives to prevent the spread and use of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and other weapons of war, and to prevent conflicts that could lead to the use of weapons of mass destruction. Ploughshares is a 501...

. The Connect U.S. Fund operates as a project of the Tides Center
Tides Center
Tides Center is a non-profit organization in the United States which provides fiscal sponsorship for progressive groups. Tides Center is classified a 501 tax-exempt organization by the IRS...


In November 2006, Eric P. Schwartz
Eric P. Schwartz
Eric Paul Schwartz is the current United States Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration, having been sworn in to office on July 8, 2009.-Biography:...

 joined the Connect U.S. Fund as its first executive director. He developed a program of grant-making and operations designed to promote a vision of responsible U.S. global engagement during the Presidential election period, and the Presidential transition. In early 2009, Eric Schwartz entered the Obama Administration as Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, and Ambassador Nancy Soderberg
Nancy Soderberg
Nancy Soderberg is an American foreign policy strategist who held several senior level positions in the Clinton administration. She currently is President of the Connect US Fund in Washington DC and resides in Jacksonville, Florida where she is a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the University...

 joined the Connect U.S. Fund as its new President.


Through a program of grant-making and operations designed to foster stronger collaboration among non-governmental organizations active on foreign policy issues, the Connect U.S. Fund seeks to advance a vision for responsible U.S. global engagement in an increasingly interdependent world. The Fund supports a community of foundations and non-governmental organizations working together to enhance the effectiveness of their collective advocacy efforts.


For 2010-2011, the Connect U.S. Fund is focusing its efforts on five key issues and the inter-relation between them, as progress in one area may help progress in others.

Nuclear Nonproliferation: Strengthen U.S. efforts to prevent the spread and use of deadly nuclear weapons, including deeper cuts in nuclear weapons arsenals between the U.S. and Russia; locking down and reducing the number of fissile materials; and reducing the role of nuclear weapons in U.S. policy.

Human Rights: Encourage strong American leadership in multilateral human rights instruments and institutions, including support for the work of the International Criminal Court; strengthening UN human rights mechanisms; securing ratification of at least one “core” human rights treaty; and a U.S. government structure to prevent genocide and respond to mass atrocities.

Climate Change: Urge U.S. leadership in addressing the climate crisis through making smart investments at home and in the developing world and by promoting innovative solutions for reducing emissions. This includes eliminating all fossil fuel subsidies and galvanizing investment in adaptation, clean technology, and forest protection in the developing world.

International Financial and Trade Reform: Support for international financial and trade reform as a means for global poverty alleviation. This includes U.S. support for international financial transparency; international financial institution reform; reform of trade preferences; and export-led growth in the developing world through appropriate trade finance.

Stronger U.S. Civilian Capacities: Ensuring U.S. civilian agencies have the funds, capacity, and knowledge needed to conduct development, stability operations, and diplomacy effectively, thus striking a better balance between the civilian and military responsibilities in these areas.


The Connect U.S. Fund undertakes a wide range of operational and grant-making activities in support of their strategic objectives. They organize meetings to address policy or strategic disagreements in the community. They serve as a liaison between high-level policy-makers and our community members. They provide training and workshops for community members on identified needs like fundraising, messaging, program evaluation, and public speaking. Their website and newsletter serve as forums for capacity-building and sharing of information; they use these communication tools, as well as op-eds and media appearances, to highlight neglected issues. They host gatherings of their grantees and community members to facilitate networking and to introduce unlikely partners with overlapping interests. Their think tank working groups are forums for think tank experts to come together with organizations active on Capitol Hill and in the grassroots. We hold briefings and discussions on specific policy challenges that include diverse participants such as funders, advocacy groups, think tanks, Hill staff, and Administration officials.

The Connect U.S. Fund's annual grant-making program is designed to create collaborative efforts that promote responsible and cooperative U.S. global leadership in and across issue areas by supporting strong, multi-organizational advocacy efforts. Unexpected, time-bound efforts to achieve discrete policy wins are funded through their Rapid Response grant program. A small pool of Strategic Opportunity grants sponsors projects that do not fit into their other grant programs, but present clear opportunities to benefit Connect U.S. Fund grantees and other non-governmental organizations active on their issues. Finally, they provide Partnership Grants to U.S. in the World and the Aspen Institute
Aspen Institute
The Aspen Institute is an international nonprofit organization founded in 1950 as the Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies. The organization is dedicated to "fostering enlightened leadership, the appreciation of timeless ideas and values, and open-minded dialogue on contemporary issues." The...

's Continuous Progress Strategic Services. These two organizations work to provide valuable services to their community and grantees through training in issue messaging and program design and evaluation.

As they build ties between NGOs from different types of organizations and issue silos, they become more willing to seek collaboration and avoid working at cross-purposes. As conflicts arise, the Fund provides a neutral convening forum for addressing sticking points and, when possible, for developing clear, common messaging strategies. The Connect U.S. Fund increases the visibility of neglected but critical issues in the media and the policy community, and increases community member access to foreign policy decision-makers.

Overall, the Connect U.S. Fund's work provides a stronger voice to the foundations and NGOs seeking to promote stronger U.S. engagement in meeting common challenges.

External links

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