The Centurion's Empire
The Centurion's Empire is a 1998 science fiction novel by Sean McMullen
Sean McMullen
Sean Christopher McMullen is an Australian science fiction and fantasy author.-Biography:McMullen has a degree in physics and history from Melbourne University , a postgraduate degree in library and information science, and a PhD in Medieval Literature...

. It won the 1998 Aurealis Award
Aurealis Award
Aurealis Award for Excellence in Speculative Fiction is an annual literary award for Australian science fiction, fantasy and horror fiction. Only Australians are eligible for the award.-History:...

for best science fiction novel.


The Roman centurion Vitellan enters into multiple periods of hibernation through a concotion developed from snow-dwelling insects. He 'emerges' into various periods throughout history, many times assisting the locals in defending themselves from outside threats. Unfortunately Vitellan is not doing so well, the artificial suspension is severely injuring him.

The novel continues into the future, where several organizations vie for the control of Vitellan.
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