Svanenhielm was a name in the Danish
Danish nobility
Nobility in Denmark was a leading social class until the 19th or 20th century. Danish nobility exists yet and has a recognized status in Denmark, a monarchy, but its real privileges have been abolished....

 and the Norwegian nobility
Norwegian nobility
Norwegian nobility are persons and families who in early times belonged to the supreme social, political, and military class and who later were members of the institutionalised nobility in the Kingdom of Norway. It has its historical roots in the group of chieftains and warriors which evolved...


Severin Seehusen (born in 1664, † 1726) was an official in Bergen as well as in Stavanger
Stavanger is a city and municipality in the county of Rogaland, Norway.Stavanger municipality has a population of 126,469. There are 197,852 people living in the Stavanger conurbation, making Stavanger the fourth largest city, but the third largest urban area, in Norway...

 and Northern Norway. He belonged to a wealthy citizen family in Stavanger. He owned, among other properties, Damsgård Head Farm outside Bergen and Arnegård in Stavanger.

Severin Seehausen was in 1720 ennobled under the name Svanenhielm (lit. Swan Helm), which he had adopted after buying the Svanøy Estate in 1719.

Literature and sources

  • Wikipedia, Norwegian Bokmål & Riksmål: Severin Seehusen (Per 12th April 2011.)
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