Ståle Storli
Ståle Storli, also spelled Staale Storlid, is the title of a Norwegian folksong and a novel by John Lie
John Lie
John Lie is Class of 1959 Professor of sociology and Dean of International and Area Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. His principal academic interests are social theory, political economy, social identity, and East Asia....

 , published in 1880.

Ståle Storli is a folksong about a love to a cotter's daughter. A love that is not returned.
A recording was made in 1936 with Aslak Brekke
Aslak Brekke
Aslak Brekke was a prominent vocalist of one of the Scandinavian poetic genres that is referred to as stev.As a folk music singer, he was also well-known.He was born in Vinje, Telemark....

 (vocals) and Eivind Groven
Eivind Groven
Eivind Groven was a Norwegian microtonal composer and music-theorist. He was from Telemark and had his background in the folk music of the area.- Biography :...

A harmonium is a free-standing keyboard instrument similar to a reed organ. Sound is produced by air being blown through sets of free reeds, resulting in a sound similar to that of an accordion...

). A recording with Agnes Buen Garnås
Agnes Buen Garnås
Agnes Buen Garnås is a Norwegian folk singer from the county of Telemark. She comes from a famous musical family from the town of Jondalen, and is known particularly for her singing of ancient unaccompanied Norwegian ballads, as well as her updated arrangements of these songs in collaboration with...

, has also been released.
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