Shingon (nat)
Shingon is one of 37 nats in the official Burmese pantheon of nat
Nat (spirit)
The nats are spirits worshipped in Burma in conjunction with Buddhism. They are divided between the 37 Great Nats and all the rest . Almost all of the 37 Great Nats were human beings who met violent deaths . They may thus also be called nat sein...

s. She was a maid of King Thihathu and accompanied him to the battlefront. She died on her return to the capital Ava
Innwa is a city in the Mandalay Division of Burma , situated just to the south of Amarapura on the Ayeyarwady River. Its formal title is Ratanapura , which means City of Gems in Pali. The name Innwa means mouth of the lake, which comes from in , meaning lake, and wa , which means mouth...

(Inwa). She is portrayed walking limply with her hands dangling.
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