Rokusei Senjutsu
The is a kind of Chinese astrology
Chinese astrology
Chinese astrology is based on the traditional astronomy and calendars. The development of Chinese astrology is tied to that of astronomy, which came to flourish during the Han Dynasty ....

 and a handy approximation
An approximation is a representation of something that is not exact, but still close enough to be useful. Although approximation is most often applied to numbers, it is also frequently applied to such things as mathematical functions, shapes, and physical laws.Approximations may be used because...

 of the Four Pillars of Destiny
Four Pillars of Destiny
Four Pillars of Destiny is a Chinese and Japanese conceptual term that describes the four components creating a person's destiny or fate. The four components within the moment of birth are year, month, day, and hour...


The Four Pillars of Destiny
Four Pillars of Destiny
Four Pillars of Destiny is a Chinese and Japanese conceptual term that describes the four components creating a person's destiny or fate. The four components within the moment of birth are year, month, day, and hour...

 is too complicated and difficult for everyday use, consequently this approximation
An approximation is a representation of something that is not exact, but still close enough to be useful. Although approximation is most often applied to numbers, it is also frequently applied to such things as mathematical functions, shapes, and physical laws.Approximations may be used because...

 was introduced in Taiwan
Taiwan , also known, especially in the past, as Formosa , is the largest island of the same-named island group of East Asia in the western Pacific Ocean and located off the southeastern coast of mainland China. The island forms over 99% of the current territory of the Republic of China following...

 , Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of two Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China , the other being Macau. A city-state situated on China's south coast and enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea, it is renowned for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour...


Contents and Definitions

The births with their birthday's Sexagenary cycle
Sexagenary cycle
The Chinese sexagenary cycle , also known as the Stems-and-Branches , is a cycle of sixty terms used for recording days or years. It appears, as a means of recording days, in the first Chinese written texts, the Shang dynasty oracle bones from the late second millennium BC. Its use to record years...

s (in chinese calendar
Chinese calendar
The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, incorporating elements of a lunar calendar with those of a solar calendar. It is not exclusive to China, but followed by many other Asian cultures as well...

甲子 , 乙丑 , 丙寅 , 丁卯 , 戊辰 , 己巳 , 庚午 , 辛未 , 壬申 , 癸酉
  1. They have the common terms. The KūBōs(We often call ) are
    Dog (zodiac)
    The Dog is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Dog is associated with the earthly branch symbol 戌...

    Pig (zodiac)
    The Pig , is the last of the 12 animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac. The Year of the Pig is associated with the earthly branch Hai .In Chinese culture, the pig is associated with fertility and virility...

    . In the line we have no 戌 nor 亥.
甲戌 , 乙亥 , 丙子 , 丁丑 , 戊寅 , 己巳 , 庚辰 , 辛巳 , 壬午 , 癸未
  1. The KūBōs are
    Monkey (zodiac)
    The Monkey is the ninth of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Monkey is associated with the earthly branch symbol 申.-Years and the five elements:...

    Rooster (zodiac)
    The Rooster is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Rooster is represented by the earthly branch character 酉.- Years and associated Five Elements :...

甲申 , 乙酉 , 丙戌 , 丁亥 , 戊子 , 己丑 , 庚寅 , 辛卯 , 壬辰 , 癸巳
  1. The KūBōs are
    Horse (zodiac)
    The Horse is the seventh of the 12 animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Horse is associated with the earthly branch symbol 午.- Years and the Five Elements :...

    Sheep (zodiac)
    The Goat is the eighth sign of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Goat is associated with the earthly branch symbol 未.- Years and the Five Elements :...

甲午 , 乙未 , 丙申 , 丁酉 , 戊戌 , 己亥 , 庚子 , 辛丑 , 壬寅 , 癸卯
  1. The KūBōs are
    Dragon (zodiac)
    The Dragon , is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar, and the only animal that is legendary...

    Snake (zodiac)
    The Snake is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Snake is associated with the earthly branch symbol 巳.-Years and the Five Elements:...

甲辰 , 乙巳 , 丙午 , 丁未 , 戊申 , 己酉 , 庚戌 , 辛亥 , 壬子 , 癸丑
  1. The KūBōs are
    Tiger (zodiac)
    The Tiger , is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Tiger is associated with the earthly branch symbol 寅.- Years and the Five Elements :...

    Rabbit (zodiac)
    The Chinese Year of the Rabbit is actually the Chinese Year of the Hare, as China has seven native species of hares and no native species of rabbits. The Chinese applied their word for hare to the first rabbits to be taken to China, and the word is now erroneously back-translated into English as...

甲寅 , 乙卯 , 丙辰 , 丁巳 , 戊午 , 己未 , 庚申 , 辛酉 , 壬戌 , 癸亥
  1. The KūBōs are
    Rat (zodiac)
    The Rat is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Rat is associated with the earthly branch symbol 子...

    Ox (zodiac)
    The Ox is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Ox is denoted by the earthly branch character 丑...


The name Dosei Jin has no relationship with Saturn
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter. Saturn is named after the Roman god Saturn, equated to the Greek Cronus , the Babylonian Ninurta and the Hindu Shani. Saturn's astronomical symbol represents the Roman god's sickle.Saturn,...

. The each KūBōs of 戌 and 亥 consists of 辛丁戊 and 戊甲壬; their main element is 戊 , belonging to the Soil or Earth
Earth (classical element)
Earth, home and origin of humanity, has often been worshipped in its own right with its own unique spiritual tradition.-European tradition:Earth is one of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science. It was commonly associated with qualities of heaviness, matter and the...

 in Wu Xing.


  • Bill Clinton
    Bill Clinton
    William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Inaugurated at age 46, he was the third-youngest president. He took office at the end of the Cold War, and was the first president of the baby boomer generation...

     : The birthday is August 19, 1946

The chart is as belows
  • Birthyear : 1946 : 丙戌
  • Birthmonth : August : 丙申
  • Birthday : 19 : 乙丑
  • Birthtime : unknown
  • Birthplace : Northern America
    Northern America
    Northern America is the northernmost region of the Americas, and is part of the North American continent. It lies directly north of the region of Middle America; the land border between the two regions coincides with the border between the United States and Mexico...

Here we find Bill belongs to "Dosei Jin"(The first class).And the relation between birthday and birthyear shows the KūBō.
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