Personnel branch
Personnel branch, in the Canadian Forces
Canadian Forces
The Canadian Forces , officially the Canadian Armed Forces , are the unified armed forces of Canada, as constituted by the National Defence Act, which states: "The Canadian Forces are the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada and consist of one Service called the Canadian Armed Forces."...

 (CF), refers to a grouping of related military occupations.

Personnel branches were officially established at unification in 1968 to amalgamate the old Canadian Army Corps and similar occupational groupings in the Royal Canadian Navy
Royal Canadian Navy
The history of the Royal Canadian Navy goes back to 1910, when the naval force was created as the Naval Service of Canada and renamed a year later by King George V. The Royal Canadian Navy is one of the three environmental commands of the Canadian Forces...

 and Royal Canadian Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
The history of the Royal Canadian Air Force begins in 1920, when the air force was created as the Canadian Air Force . In 1924 the CAF was renamed the Royal Canadian Air Force and granted royal sanction by King George V. The RCAF existed as an independent service until 1968...


According to Canadian Forces Administrative Orders
Canadian Forces Administrative Orders
Canadian Forces Administrative Orders are issued to "supplement and amplify the Queen's Regulations and Orders ...[they] contain administrative policy, procedures and information of continuing effect." ...


"Personnel Branches were created to enable members of the Canadian
Forces in related occupations to identify with each other in cohesive
professional groups. These groups are based on similarity of military
roles, customs and traditions." –CFAO 2-10

Branches are applicable to all members of the rank of Colonel
Colonel , abbreviated Col or COL, is a military rank of a senior commissioned officer. It or a corresponding rank exists in most armies and in many air forces; the naval equivalent rank is generally "Captain". It is also used in some police forces and other paramilitary rank structures...

/Captain (N)
Captain (naval)
Captain is the name most often given in English-speaking navies to the rank corresponding to command of the largest ships. The NATO rank code is OF-5, equivalent to an army full colonel....

 and below; general officers normally do not belong to branches. Exceptions to this rule are the Judge Advocate General (Legal Branch), the Chaplain General (Chaplain Branch), and the Surgeon General (Canadian Forces Medical Services).

Military occupations for officer
Officer (armed forces)
An officer is a member of an armed force or uniformed service who holds a position of authority. Commissioned officers derive authority directly from a sovereign power and, as such, hold a commission charging them with the duties and responsibilities of a specific office or position...

s and non-commissioned member
Non-commissioned member
A non-commissioned member , in the Canadian Forces, is defined in the Queen's Regulations and Orders as:"… any person, other than an officer, who is enrolled in, or who pursuant to law is attached or seconded otherwise than as an officer to, the Canadian Forces…" Thus, an NCM is any member who is...

s are grouped within a particular branch under the coordination of the Director - Military Human Resource Requirements (DMHRR) and the approval of the Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Military) (ADM(HR-Mil)).


Assignment of Distinct Environmental Uniform (i.e. "Navy", "Army", or "Air Force") is a function of military occupation, not personnel branch. For example, within the Communications and Electronics Branch
Communications and Electronics Branch
The Communications and Electronics Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces .-History:Major Wallace Bruce Matthews Carruthers was the founder of the Canadian Signalling Corps, forerunner of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals and the Communications and Electronics Branch of the...

, all Signal Operators are uniformed Army and all Aerospace Telecommunication & Information Systems Technician are designated as Air Force. On the other hand, within the Logistics Branch
Logistics Branch (Canadian Forces)
The Logistics Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces . In April 2007, the CF Armed Forces Council decided to incorporate the Personnel Selection Branch into the Logistics branch.-Unification:...

, Supply Technicians may be designated as any environment.

Branch Advisors

Each Branch has its own branch advisor — normally a Colonel or Naval Captain — to the Chief of the Defence Staff.

Branch traditions

Branches have carried forward many of the traditions inherited from their Corps or Service predecessors. They have authorized marches
Authorized marches of the Canadian Forces
The following is a list of the notable authorized marches for various organizations of the Canadian Forces. The first march listed is the march most commonly performed for that organization on parade; it is commonly referred to simply as that organization's "march" or "march past"...

, differences in accessories and accoutrements for full dress
Full dress
Full dress is a category dress codes that refers to most formal clothing available in Western society.-Civilian:For a civilian, during the Victorian and Edwardian period, this corresponded to a frock coat in the day, and white tie at night...

 and mess dress
Mess dress
Mess dress is the military term for the formal evening dress worn in the mess or at other formal occasions. It is also known as mess uniform and mess kit...

 uniforms, branch-specific toasts, ceremonial commanders such as Colonels-in-Chief
In the various Commonwealth armies, the Colonel-in-Chief of a regiment is its patron. This position is distinct from that of Colonel of the Regiment. They do not have an operational role. They are however kept informed of all important activities of the regiment, and pay occasional visits to its...

, etc. For example:
  • The Armoured Branch retained the black beret and resurrected the name of the former Royal Canadian Armoured Corps.
  • Army Signals officers of the Communications and Electronics Branch are permitted to wear box spur
    A spur is a metal tool designed to be worn in pairs on the heels of riding boots for the purpose of directing a horse to move forward or laterally while riding. It is usually used to refine the riding aids and to back up the natural aids . The spur is used in every equestrian discipline...

    s with Mess Dress, a tradition inherited from the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.
  • The Air Operations Branch uses the Royal Canadian Air Force March Past as its authorized march.
  • The Naval Operations Branch inherited its cap badge system from the old Royal Canadian Navy: one badge for officers, one for Chiefs and Petty Officers, and another for Seamen.

Personnel branches in the CF

The following is a list of CF personnel branches:
  • Air Operations Branch
    Air Operations Branch
    The Air Operations Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces .-Air Command Academy:The Air Command Academy in Borden, Ontario provides leadership and management training and imparts leadership and management techniques. The role of the ACA is to broaden awareness of Air Force heritage...

  • Band Branch
    Band Branch (Canadian Forces)
    The Band Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces . It is primarily composed of band musicians, and also deals with the selection and musical training of its recruits.-Order of precedence:-External links:**...

  • Cadet Instructors Cadre
    Cadet Instructors Cadre
    The Cadet Instructors Cadre Branch consists of approximately 7,500 Canadian Forces officers whose primary duty is the safety, supervision, administration and training of Royal Canadian Sea, Army, and Air cadets...

  • Canadian Forces Medical Service
    Canadian Forces Medical Service
    The Canadian Forces Medical Service provides medical support for the Canadian Forces both at home and abroad. It is also a personnel branch of the CF...

  • Canadian Military Engineers
    Canadian Military Engineers
    The Canadian Military Engineers is the military engineer branch of the Canadian Forces.-Mission:The mission of the Canadian Military Engineers is to contribute to the survival, mobility, and combat effectiveness of the Canadian Forces...

  • Security Branch
    Canadian Forces Military Police
    The Canadian Forces Military Police provide military police services to the Canadian Forces.Canadian Military Police are unusual in that they are classified as Peace Officers in the Criminal Code of Canada, which gives them the same powers as civilian law enforcement personnel to enforce Acts of...

  • Chaplain Branch
    Chaplain Branch (Canadian Forces)
    -Canadian Forces Chaplain School and Centre:The Canadian Forces Chaplain School and Centre in Borden, Ontario, is responsible for the training of all chaplains . CFChSC provides training in operational and static ministry.The training is provided with an operational focus and an interfaith approach...

  • Communications and Electronics Branch
    Communications and Electronics Branch
    The Communications and Electronics Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces .-History:Major Wallace Bruce Matthews Carruthers was the founder of the Canadian Signalling Corps, forerunner of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals and the Communications and Electronics Branch of the...

  • Dental Branch
    Dental Branch
    The Dental Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces . The Dental Branch and the Canadian Forces Medical Service are formations of the Canadian Forces Health Services Group within the Military Personnel Command reporting to the Chief of Military Personnel.-Unification:When the Army,...

  • Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Branch
    Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Branch
    The Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces that provides army engineering maintenance support.-History:...

  • Intelligence Branch
    Intelligence Branch (Canadian Forces)
    The Intelligence Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces that is concerned with providing relevant and correct information to enable commanders to make decisions.-Information:...

  • Legal Branch
    Legal Branch (Canadian Forces)
    The Legal Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces . It primarily deals with the Canadian Forces' legal affairs.-Military Law Centre:...

  • Logistics Branch
    Logistics Branch (Canadian Forces)
    The Logistics Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces . In April 2007, the CF Armed Forces Council decided to incorporate the Personnel Selection Branch into the Logistics branch.-Unification:...

  • Naval Operations Branch
    Naval Operations Branch
    The Naval Operations Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces. The branch consists of most of the sea-going trades of the Royal Canadian Navy.-Naval Officers Training Centre :...

  • Personnel Selection Branch
    Personnel Selection Branch
    The Personnel Selection Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces .The Personnel Selection branch was created in the Canadian Army on 18 September 1941. Later on the Royal Canadian Air Force and Royal Canadian Navy followed suit...

  • Public Affairs Branch
    Public Affairs Branch (Canadian Forces)
    -Mission:The mission of the Public Affairs Branch is to inform Canadians of the policies, programs, services, activities, operations and initiatives of the Canadian Forces in a manner that is accurate, complete, objective, timely, relevant, understandable and open and transparent within the law...

  • Royal Canadian Armoured Corps
    Royal Canadian Armoured Corps
    The Royal Canadian Armoured Corps is the armoured branch of service of the Canadian Army, including regular force and reserve regiments.-History:...

  • Royal Canadian Infantry Corps
    Royal Canadian Infantry Corps
    The Infantry Branch is the organisation to which all Canadian infantry regiments belong. This was originally named "Canadian Infantry Corps"....

  • Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
    Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
    The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery is the artillery personnel branch of the Canadian Forces .-History:...

     (formerly Artillery Branch)
  • Training Development Branch
    Training Development Branch
    The Training Development Branch is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces . It primarily deals in training and development of both new recruits and experienced officers, air men and women, sailors and soldiers of the CF....

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