Only Cunts Don't Fear the Rain
Only Cunts Don't Fear the Rain is the ninth official album by SCH
SCH (band)
SCH is the musical and artistic project and band of Senad Hadžimusić, who is better known by his nickname Teno. Formed in the early-eighties in Sarajevo, the band has had an intensive creative and live existence...

. It is a compilation of unreleased punk and rock compositions made during the period 1983-1993, never considered as the main SCH repertoire.

Selvedin Avdić, in Start BiH, states: "This album is a reminder of the war path and battles fought by that most persistent of underground warriors and equally essential listening for any young fans unaware of SCH’s pre-digital past."


  1. "Znamo sve"
  2. "Djevojke su gole"
  3. "Tablete"
  4. "Oh što je to tako"
  5. "Back to the USSR"
  6. "Naša pjesma"
  7. "Baying cur"
  8. "You stab me in the back"
  9. "It's midnight"
  10. "Early morning"
  11. "The day we'd met each other again"
  12. "He takes my 'something' three times a day from 6 to 11"
  13. "Act 1"
  14. "Narodnjak" (bonus track)
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