Naval Gunfire Liaison Officers
The Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer (NGLO) is a U.S. Navy officer—typically a lieutenant junior grade (LTJG) or lieutenant (LT)—assigned to a Marine artillery battalion to assist in providing naval gunfire support. Attached to the Operations Office (S-3), the NGLO is responsible for a Shore Fire Control Party that contains radiomen and Forward Observers. The NGLO and some of his supporting team work in the Fire Control Center to coordinate naval gunfire with other supporting mechanisms, including artillery
Originally applied to any group of infantry primarily armed with projectile weapons, artillery has over time become limited in meaning to refer only to those engines of war that operate by projection of munitions far beyond the range of effect of personal weapons...

, close air support and mortars. NGLO's can also be assigned to Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Companies (ANGLICO).

Usually, NGLO's are unrestricted line officer
Unrestricted Line Officer
Unrestricted Line Officers are commissioned Officers of the Line in the United States Navy who are qualified to command at sea the Navy's warfighting combatant units such as warships, submarines, aviation squadrons and SEAL Teams...

s, but in some cases exceptions are made. Specific training consists of the Amphibious Warfare Indoctrination Course, followed by Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer school, a five-week course in Coronado
Naval Base Coronado
Naval Base Coronado is a consolidated Navy installation encompassing eight military facilities stretching from San Clemente Island, located seventy miles west of San Diego, California, to the La Posta Mountain Warfare Training Facility and Camp Morena, located sixty miles east of San...

, Calif.


See: Uniforms of the United States Navy #Naval personnel attached to Marine Corps units
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