Mr. Meecher, the Uncool Teacher
Mr Meecher, the Uncool Teacher is a strip in The Dandy
The Dandy
The Dandy is a long running children's comic published in the United Kingdom by D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd. The first issue was printed in 1937 and it is the world's third longest running comic, after Detective Comics and Il Giornalino...

 written and drawn by Wilbur Dawbarn
Wilbur Dawbarn
Wilbur Dawbarn is a British comics artist and cartoonist based in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. He has drawn cartoons for publications such as Punch, The Times, Private Eye, The Spectator, and comic strips, including Mr. Meecher, the Uncool Teacher, and Rocky's Horror Show for The Dandy, and...

, which made its debut in Issue 3516. Meecher's catchphrase is 'You can call me Trevor', but one of the running jokes is no-one ever does. He's always referred to as 'Sir' or 'Meech' by his class "mates", and 'Trevelyan' by his mother. He tries to be 'down with da kids', but always makes himself look more of an uncool fool by doing so. The strip ended its first series in Issue 3525 ending up with Meecher being abducted by aliens.

Mr Meecher featured in a readers' poll in February 2011 allowing the readers to decide which characters would get the axe and which would continue. Overall Mr Meecher came fourth getting beaten only by Harry Hill, Desperate Dan
Desperate Dan
Desperate Dan is a wild west character in the British comic The Dandy. He first appeared in its first issue, dated 4 December 1937. He is apparently the world's strongest man, able to lift a cow with one hand. Even his beard is so tough he has to shave with a blowtorch.-History:The strip was...

 and Pre-Skool Prime Minister. He began his second run in July 2011 and began on a two part four page story where Meecher takes a road trip for his summer holidays. It is ongoing.
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