Mr. Big (Sex and the City)
"Mr. Big" is a fictional character in the HBO series Sex and the City
Sex and the City
Sex and the City is an American television comedy-drama series created by Darren Star and produced by HBO. Broadcast from 1998 until 2004, the original run of the show had a total of ninety-four episodes...

, portrayed by Chris Noth
Chris Noth
Christopher David "Chris" Noth is an American actor. He is known for long-running television roles as Det. Mike Logan on the police procedural and legal drama television series, Law & Order and Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and as Big on Sex and the City. For the latter role, he has been...

. The character's name is mentioned in the pilot episode but not used throughout the series until the last episode, when his first name is shown on Carries mobile. His full name is John James Preston. He is the primary on-and-off love interest of the series' protagonist, Carrie Bradshaw
Carrie Bradshaw
Carrie Preston is the fictional narrator and lead character of the HBO sitcom/drama Sex and the City, portrayed by actress Sarah Jessica Parker. She is a semi-autobiographical character created by Candace Bushnell, who published the book Sex and the City, based on her own columns in the New York...

, who usually simply refers to him as "Big".

According to accounts in the press, the Mr. Big character was based on publishing executive Ron Galotti, former publisher of GQ and Talk. Bushnell told New York Magazine in 2004, "He was one of those New York guys with a big personality — you just notice him as soon as he walks in the room," and "I called him Mr. Big because he was like a big man on campus."

Pilot episode

"Big" appears in the first episode of Sex and the City as a very wealthy and mysterious man who accidentally bumps into Carrie on the streets of Manhattan. The nickname "Big" refers to his status as "the next Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald John Trump, Sr. is an American business magnate, television personality and author. He is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts. Trump's extravagant lifestyle, outspoken manner and role on the NBC reality show The Apprentice have...

" and "major tycoon, major dreamboat, and majorly out of [Carrie's] league". When Carrie
Carrie Bradshaw
Carrie Preston is the fictional narrator and lead character of the HBO sitcom/drama Sex and the City, portrayed by actress Sarah Jessica Parker. She is a semi-autobiographical character created by Candace Bushnell, who published the book Sex and the City, based on her own columns in the New York...

 and Samantha bump into Big at a nightclub
A nightclub is an entertainment venue which usually operates late into the night...

, Samantha tries to hit on him, but he tactfully declines. In the first few episodes, he and Carrie frequently bump into one another, until finally Big suggests the two of them should bump into one another on purpose. Carrie agrees and thus begins their on-again-off-again relationship. Big calls Carrie by the nickname "Kid." Their conversation about being in love has become an iconic Sex and the City moment: Carrie asks Big if he has ever been in love and he replies, "Ab-so-fucking-lutely!"

Story arc

Carrie eventually falls in love with him, despite his frequent displays of commitment and intimacy phobias
Fear of commitment
Fear of commitment in much popular literature refers to avoidance of long-term partnership and/or marriage but the problem is often much more pervasive, affecting school, work, and home life as well....

. His runic and reserved communication on relationship issues and Carrie's coping with the ambiguity are a frequent plot device
Plot device
A plot device is an object or character in a story whose sole purpose is to advance the plot of the story, or alternatively to overcome some difficulty in the plot....

. Carrie repeatedly returns to the relationship even though he is clearly emotionally unavailable to her and unable to meet her needs. They break up repeatedly, over the course of two years, for those reasons, before Big marries a gorgeous twenty five year old socialite and Ralph Lauren
Ralph Lauren
Ralph Lauren is an American fashion designer and business executive; best known for his Polo Ralph Lauren clothing brand.-Early life:...

 employee named Natasha (Bridget Moynahan
Bridget Moynahan
Kathryn Bridget Moynahan , best known as Bridget Moynahan, is an American model and actress. After graduating from Longmeadow High School in 1989, Moynahan pursued a career in modeling. She was signed by a modeling agency, which led her to appear in department store catalogs and the covers of...

) after dating her for only five months. This hurts Carrie as she wonders why he could take steps with Natasha that he refused to take with Carrie.

Within seven months of his marriage, he begins to chafe at his matrimonial bonds and pine for Carrie; he initiates an affair with her. Carrie, who is in a committed relationship (with Aidan Shaw) at the time, feels guilty but continues to see Big. The affair continues until Natasha discovers Carrie fleeing from the marital apartment. Natasha trips and breaks her tooth while chasing after Carrie, who ends up taking Natasha to the emergency room. As a result, Carrie ends the affair. Carrie later finds out that Big and Natasha have divorce
Divorce is the final termination of a marital union, canceling the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the parties...


Big and Carrie eventually manage to become close friends. He relocates to Napa Valley, and they are able to discuss their other on-going relationships with each other. But their sexual chemistry always remains just below the surface, and their friendship never remains strictly platonic
Platonic love
Platonic love is a chaste and strong type of love that is non-sexual.-Amor Platonicus:The term amor platonicus was coined as early as the 15th century by the Florentine scholar Marsilio Ficino. Platonic love in this original sense of the term is examined in Plato's dialogue the Symposium, which has...

. After reading Carrie's book, Big begins to understand how much he has hurt her, and he empathizes further when a woman he is dating treats him in a fashion similar to the way Big has treated Carrie: at arm's length, eschewing true intimacy.

Series finale

The series finale, An American Girl in Paris, Part Une and Part Deux, ties together all the emotions and interactions that have taken place between Carrie and Big throughout the series. Absent for most of season six, Big suddenly reappears in Carrie's life near the end of the season, once again at the wrong time. Carrie, who is tired of his games, makes it clear that he can no longer jerk her around. However, Big is a man who goes after what he wants, and he is desperate to win Carrie back. The season finale depicts his quest with a suspenseful and romantic attempt at reunion.

The series finale takes place over two episodes in which Carrie moves to Paris with her current boyfriend, Russian artist Aleksandr Petrovsky (played by Mikhail Baryshnikov
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Mikhail Nikolaevich Baryshnikov is a Soviet and American dancer, choreographer, and actor, often cited alongside Vaslav Nijinsky and Rudolf Nureyev as one of the greatest ballet dancers of the 20th century. After a promising start in the Kirov Ballet in Leningrad, he defected to Canada in 1974...

). In the first half of the finale, "An American Girl in Paris Part Une", Big shows up outside Carrie's apartment in New York after she fails to return his phone calls. She is on her way to her last dinner with the girls before departing for Paris. Big invites her to sit inside his limo and begins apologizing for what happened the last time he and Carrie were together. Carrie rushes to tell him it's fine and uncomfortably tries to leave. After he is cut off during his apology, Big attempts to ask Carrie out to dinner. When she rejects him, he asks her for drinks and is surprised to be rejected again. It seems the tables have turned and he is now the one feeling needy. This just makes him want her even more, but she is tired of his endless cycle. She explains that she is moving to Paris with a man that she's in a relationship with. Big ironically asks Carrie when she was going to tell him that she was moving to Paris (early in their relationship, he decided to leave NY and move to Paris without telling her, and again subsequently, she arrived at his apartment with take-out food only to find him in his empty apartment, packing the last box of belongings because he had purchased a home in and was moving to Napa -- again without telling her). Carrie gives him an annoyed look, tells him she has to leave, and then rushes out of the limo. Big chases after her, asking her what that was all about. He teases her about moving to Paris with a Russian and then tries to tell her that she's "The One". Carrie loses her temper and tells him that he cannot hurt her again. She explains that she has been enduring his games for six years and makes it clear that she can no longer take it. She wonders if he has some kind of radar that lets him know she is happy so he can "swoop in and shit all over it." She tells him to forget where she lives and forget he even knows her name. Then she rushes off to meet her friends for dinner, leaving Big alone and confused on the street.

Big is not quick to give up. When Charlotte stops by Carrie's apartment one day, she hears Big leaving a message on Carrie's answering machine, asking her for one last chance. Charlotte picks up and invites him to meet with her, Miranda, and Samantha. He asks them if they think Carrie really is happy and if he has any shot of winning her back. After much deliberation, Miranda tells him to "go get our girl." Mr. Big then disappears until the second installment of the finale, "An American Girl in Paris Part Deux".

Carrie is distraught and unhappy in her relationship with Aleksandr. She passes Big in his limo on the street in Paris while looking for a cab but neither of them see each other. This scene, however, alerts the audience that Big is in Paris and that he is searching for Carrie. The irony of them running into each other on the street but not seeing each other adds to the romantic anticipation of their reunion. The limo rides on and Carrie continues on her way.

Big reappears in Carrie's hotel lobby at just the right moment, as Carrie is squatting down, tearfully gathering up stray diamonds from her broken necklace. She is waiting for a new hotel room, as she just walked out on Aleksandr after a big fight. Big comes through the door and as Carrie looks up and sees him, she begins to cry. She explains that everything is a mess and Paris isn't what she thought it would be. Then she tells Big that Alexandr slapped her during a fight they were having (although it was an accident). Big becomes protective and immediately begins climbing the stairs to Aleksandr's room to reprimand him (or as he puts it, "kick some Russian ass"). In a desperate attempt to stop him, Carrie trips him and they both fall to the floor. The two lovers begin laughing hysterically at each other. The chemistry between them that was evident from the very first episode is validated once more with this scene. They give up seeking out Petrovsky and take a romantic stroll in Paris. Big gives her his jacket and explains that it "took him a very long time to get here." He tells her she's the one and she asks him to take her home to New York. They arrive at Carrie's apartment late at night and she asks him if he wants to come up. He answers with a memorable line he used in the first episode ("abso-fucking-lutely"), which reminds the audience that he is still, in fact, the confident, sexy Big that Carrie has been in love with from day one.

His real name, John, is finally revealed on her cell phone caller ID
Caller ID
Caller ID , also called calling line identification or calling number identification or Calling Line Identification Presentation , is a telephone service, available in analog and digital phone systems and most Voice over Internet Protocol applications, that transmits a caller's number to...

 after she returns to the city and he calls to tell her he is closing the sale of his Napa estate and coming back to New York. Executive producer Michael Patrick King has stated that by never revealing his real name, Big remained "always slightly out of reach" for Carrie, and this plot device is maintained throughout the entire run of the series. Although we see his name in that final shot, Michael Patrick King makes a point (in the DVD commentary) that we never hear it spoken in the series.

Feature films

In the feature film Sex and the City: The Movie, Carrie and Big decide to marry, after Carrie brings it up when she starts to feel anxious about her relationship's position. She has just returned from an auction of jewelry from the collection of a woman who was the long-time girlfriend of a wealthy man, who was abruptly dumped and thrown out of the apartment she'd shared with him for many years. The cautionary tale worries Carrie, so Big proposes in order for Carrie to have legal rights to the fabulous penthouse they are purchasing together. However, their plans for a simple wedding balloon out of control after Vogue decides to feature her in a wedding gown in the magazine. The twice-divorced Big feels it has degenerated into a "circus," with hundreds of guests, unwanted publicity, and a tremendous designer wedding gown taking over the original plan for a small, private ceremony. An ill-thought comment from the just-separated and upset Miranda rattles him further. Just before the ceremony Big gives in to cold feet and bails, but rethinks the decision minutes later and rushes back. He intercepts Carrie as she is leaving the ceremony. A broken-hearted Carrie attacks him with her bouquet, shrieking "I knew you would do this." He repeatedly attempts to apologize and explain then and after, but Carrie ignores his letters and emails, and they spend months apart (close to a year) with no contact whatsoever.

When Carrie hires an assistant, Louise, she instructs her to "put Big in a place where she never has to hear from him again." So Louise creates a folder in Carrie's e-mail that is password protected and Big's many e-mails are saved in the secret folder. Charlotte later gives birth to a baby—her water breaking while she is yelling at Big for breaking Carrie's heart. Big takes her to the hospital and stays until the baby is born, hoping to run into Carrie. When Carrie arrives at the hospital they tell her the tale and Harry reveals that Big begged her to call him, and that he's written her many letters. Puzzled, Carrie goes home and scours her mail, realizing that his e-mails are in Louise's secret folder. She guesses the password and finds that Big has re-written numerous love letters by poets, and one from himself promising to love her forever. Carrie's assistant reminds her that she left a pair of never-worn Manolo Blahnik shoes in the penthouse that she and Big owned, and that the locks will be changed for the new owners that day. Carrie rushes over to the penthouse to find Big there, holding her shoes. She falls for him all over again, with Carrie narrating, "It wasn't logic; it was love," and the two quietly marry at New York City Hall.

In Sex and the City 2
Sex and the City 2
Sex and the City 2 is a 2010 American romantic comedy film directed by Michael Patrick King. It is the sequel to the 2008 film Sex and the City, which is based on the HBO TV series of the same name....

Carrie always wants to go out, while Mr. Big would prefer to stay home and watch television some evenings. After Carrie returns to her old apartment to work on an assignment and their reunion is particularly sweet, Big proposes to be separated for two days in the week, with one of them staying in Carrie's old apartment, which she has always kept. Carrie agrees, despite misgivings and the questioning of Charlotte.

In Abu Dhabi, Carrie runs into her former flame Aidan. Carrie and Aidan dated twice. They broke up the first time because Carrie and Big had an affair. They broke up a second time because Aidan still couldn't trust her after all that time due to her affair with Big, and after Aidan proposes, marriage doesn't sit well with Carrie, so the two break off their engagement. Aidan is now married with three boys and is in Abu Dhabi on business. The two agree to meet for dinner, despite warnings from Charlotte who feels that Carrie is "playing with fire". The two kiss before Carrie breaks away and runs to her hotel. Distraught about what to do, she eventually calls Big to confess to the kiss. He becomes distant and won't return her phone calls.

When Carrie returns to New York, the apartment is empty and she sits all day waiting for him to come home. He finally returns that evening with her 'punishment': Carrie must wear a black diamond ring to remind herself that she is married. The two reconcile and kiss. The film concludes with a montage of scenes from the girls' lives - Big and Carrie have successfully combined their desires and interests, and the two are content as their married life has grown past the "Terrible Twos".

Avoiding the name

One interesting moment in the episode "Easy Come, Easy Go" (season three) involves Carrie running into Big and Natasha at a furniture show, shortly after Carrie begins dating Aidan Shaw (Carrie quips that she is Aidan's "Booth Bitch"). After introducing her boyfriend, Carrie is about to introduce Big (presumably by name), when she nervously spills coffee on him instead, derailing the scene and thereby neatly avoiding having to ruin the mystery of Big's name for the audience.

In the episode "Defining Moments" in season four, Carrie begins introducing Big to the jazz musician, Ray King (played by Craig Bierko
Craig Bierko
Craig Philip Bierko is an American actor and singer.-Early life:Bierko was born in Rye Brook, New York, the son of Pat and Rex Bierko, who ran a local community theatre. Bierko's mother was a Jewish convert to Roman Catholicism...

), but is interrupted when Ray tells Big that his drink is "running low."

In "The Caste System", Carrie is asked by Jeremiah, a waiter at a party, who she is with. Angered at Big at this time, Carrie simply responds, "Some guy."

In the episode "Three's a Crowd" in Season 1, Carrie is talking to Big's ex-wife, Barbara, when she asks if Carrie is with anyone. Carrie avoids the question so as not to let Barbara know she's seeing him therefore keeping Big's name a mystery.

In "The Agony and the 'ex'tasy" in season 4, Carrie calls Big but gets the answering machine where he introduces himself with his number instead of his name.

In the episode "The Big Journey" in season 5, Carrie is having a question and answer session during her book reading in San Francisco. Big raises his hand and asks her if the Big character in her book has a real name. Carrie responds by saying she has to protect his identity and can't use his real name.

In the final episode of the series Carrie receives a call from "John" which is Big.

In the full trailer for the Sex and the City: The Movie, Big's name is revealed to be John James Preston. In the movie, it is the first time we hear Carrie call him "John" instead of Big.

Series appearances

  1. "Sex and the City" (June 6, 1998)
  2. "Models and Mortals" (1June 14, 1998)
  3. "Valley of the Twenty-Something Guys" (June 28, 1998)
  4. "Secret Sex" (July 12, 1998)
  5. "The Monogamists" (July 19, 1998)
  6. "Three's a Crowd" (July 26, 1998)
  7. "The Turtle and the Hare" (August 2, 1998)
  8. "The Drought" (August 16, 1998)
  9. "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" (August 23, 1998)
  10. "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" (June 6, 1999)
  11. "The Awful Truth" (June 13, 1999)
  12. "Four Women and a Funeral" (July 4, 1999)
  13. "The Cheating Curve" (July 11, 1999)
  14. "The Chicken Dance" (July 18, 1999)
  15. "The Man, the Myth, the Viagra" (July 25, 1999)
  16. "Old Dogs, New Dicks" (August 1, 1999)
  17. "The Caste System" (August 8, 1999)
  18. "Evolution" (August 15, 1999)
  19. "La Douleur Exquise!" (August 22, 1999)
  20. "Twenty-Something Girls vs. Thirty-Something Women" (September 26, 1999)
  21. "Ex and the City" (October 3, 1999)
  22. "Drama Queens" (July 23, 2000)
  23. "The Big Time" (July 30, 2000)
  24. "Easy Come, Easy Go" (August 6, 2000)
  25. "All or Nothing" (August 13, 2000)
  26. "Running with Scissors" (August 20, 2000)
  27. "Cock-a-Doodle-Do" (October 15, 2000)
  28. "The Agony and the Ex-tacy" (June 3, 2001)
  29. "Defining Moments" (June 10, 2001)
  30. "Sex and the Country" (July 22, 2001)
  31. "Belles of the Balls" (July 29, 2001)
  32. "Just Say Yes" (August 12, 2001)
  33. "Ring a Ding Ding" (January 27, 2002)
  34. "I Heart NY" (February 10, 2002)
  35. "The Big Journey" (September 1, 2002)
  36. "The Perfect Present" (July 6, 2003)
  37. "Hop, Skip, and a Week" (July 27, 2003)
  38. "The Domino Effect" (September 7, 2003)
  39. "The Cold War" (February 1, 2004)
  40. "An American Girl in Paris: Part Une" (February 15, 2004)
  41. "An American Girl in Paris: Part Deux" (February 22, 2004)

External links

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