In Hawaiian mythology
Hawaiian mythology
Hawaiian mythology refers to the legends, historical tales and sayings of the ancient Hawaiian people. It is considered a variant of a more general Polynesian mythology, developing its own unique character for several centuries before about 1800. It is associated with the Hawaiian religion...

, Lua-o-Milu is the land of the dead
The Underworld is a region which is thought to be under the surface of the earth in some religions and in mythologies. It could be a place where the souls of the recently departed go, and in some traditions it is identified with Hell or the realm of death...

, ruled by Milu. Dead souls enter Lua-o-Milu through a trail called Mahiki
Mahiki is a London nightclub near the Ritz Hotel, well known for its celebrity clientele. It is named after the Polynesian path to the underworld. Mahiki was opened in October 2006 by Piers Adam and Nick House. The club has attracted media attention as a favourite haunt of Princes William and...

. The spirits of the dead can watch what the living do and turn them to stone by staring at them.
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