Library of Congress Classification:Class G, subclass GV -- Recreation and Leisure
Subclass GV: Recreation and Leisure is a classification used by the Library of Congress Classification
Library of Congress Classification
The Library of Congress Classification is a system of library classification developed by the Library of Congress. It is used by most research and academic libraries in the U.S. and several other countries; for example, Australia and Taiwan, R.O.C. It is not to be confused with the Library of...

 system under Class G -- Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
Library of Congress Classification:Class G -- Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
Class G: Geography, Anthropology, Recreation is a classification used by the Library of Congress classification system. This article outlines the subclasses of Class G.GGeography ; Atlases; MapsGAMathematical geography; Cartography...

. This article describes subclass GV.

1-186..........Recreation. Leisure
181.35-181.6..........Recreation leadership. Administration of recreation services
182-182.5..........Recreational areas and facilities. Recreation centers
191.2-200.66..........Outdoor life. Outdoor recreation
198.945-198.975..........Farm vacations, dude ranches, etc.
199-199.62..........Hiking. Pedestrian tours
200.4-200.56..........Orienteering. Wilderness survival
200.6-200.66..........Caving. Spelunking
201-555..........Physical education and training
346-351.5..........School and college athletics. Intramural and interscholastic athletics
401-433..........Physical education facilities. Sports facilities (Including gymnasiums, athletic fields, playgrounds, etc.)
435-436.7..........Physical measurements. Physical tests, etc.
450-451.4..........Nudism. Sunbathing
460-555..........Gymnastics. Gymnastic exercises (Including calisthenics, heavy exercises, acrobatics, etc.)
712-725..........Athletic contests. Sports events
733-734.5..........Professionalism in sports. Professional sports (General)
735..........Umpires. Sports officiating
743-749..........Athletic and sporting goods, supplies, etc.
750-770.27..........Air sports: Airplane flying, kiteflying, bungee jumping, etc.
770.3-840..........Water sports: Canoeing, sailing, yachting, scuba diving, etc.
840.7-857..........Winter sports: Ice hockey, skiing, bobsledding, snowmobiling, etc.
861-1017..........Ball games: Baseball, football, golf, etc.
1020-1034..........Automobile travel. Motoring. Automobile racing
1040-1060.4..........Cycling. Bicycling. Motorcycling
1060.5-1098..........Track and field athletics
1100-1150.9..........Fighting sports: Bullfighting, boxing, fencing, etc.
1151-1190..........Shooting. Archery
1199-1570..........Games and amusements
1201.5..........Hobbies (General)
1203-1220.8..........Children's games and amusements
1221-1469.63..........Indoor games and amusements
1232-1299..........Card games: Poker, patience, whist, etc.
1301-1311..........Gambling. Chance and banking games
1312-1469..........Board games. Move games (Including chess, go, checkers, etc.)
1469.15-1469.62..........Computer games. Video games. Fantasy games
1470-1511..........Parties. Party games and stunts
1541-1561..........Parlor magic and tricks
1800-1860..........Circuses, spectacles, etc. (Including rodeos, waxworks, amusement parks, etc.)


Library of Congress Classification Outline
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