Kingdom of Israel (disambiguation)
The Kingdom of Israel may mean :
  • Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy) (1020–931 BCE), the kingdom established by the Israelites and uniting them under a single king
  • Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) (931–722 BCE), the kingdom of northern Israelites
  • Kingdom of Judah
    Kingdom of Judah
    The Kingdom of Judah was a Jewish state established in the Southern Levant during the Iron Age. It is often referred to as the "Southern Kingdom" to distinguish it from the northern Kingdom of Israel....

     (931–586 BCE), the kingdom of southern Israelites
  • The state ruled by the Hasmonean
    The Hasmonean dynasty , was the ruling dynasty of Judea and surrounding regions during classical antiquity. Between c. 140 and c. 116 BCE, the dynasty ruled semi-autonomously from the Seleucids in the region of Judea...

    s or "Maccabees" (140–37 BCE), primarily known as Judea
    Judea or Judæa was the name of the mountainous southern part of the historic Land of Israel from the 8th century BCE to the 2nd century CE, when Roman Judea was renamed Syria Palaestina following the Jewish Bar Kokhba revolt.-Etymology:The...

     (or cognates) but also called Israel in the First Book of Maccabees
  • The state ruled by Herod the Great
    Herod the Great
    Herod , also known as Herod the Great , was a Roman client king of Judea. His epithet of "the Great" is widely disputed as he is described as "a madman who murdered his own family and a great many rabbis." He is also known for his colossal building projects in Jerusalem and elsewhere, including his...

     and his heirs (37–4 BCE), primarily known as Judea (or cognates) but also called Israel in the Gospel
    A gospel is an account, often written, that describes the life of Jesus of Nazareth. In a more general sense the term "gospel" may refer to the good news message of the New Testament. It is primarily used in reference to the four canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John...

    s and Book of Acts.
  • Kingdom of Israel (group)
    Kingdom of Israel (group)
    The Kingdom of Israel , or Tzrifin Underground, was a violent political group active in Israel in the 1950s."Kingdom of Israel," was the name used by the group's members but it was better known to the Israeli public as the "Tzrifin Underground", after the Tzrifin military base, where its members...

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