Hochkirchlicher Apostolat St. Ansgar
Hochkirchlicher Apostolat St. Ansgar (HAStA) (High Church Apostolate St. Ansgar) is one of the smaller German Lutheran High Church
High Church Lutheranism
"High Church Lutheranism" is the name given in Europe for the 20th century Lutheran movement that emphasizes worship practices and doctrines that are similar to those found within both Roman Catholicism and the Anglo-Catholic wing of Anglicanism...


The background of the Apostolate St Ansgar was in late 1960s. At that time the understanding of the ordained ministry and Eucharist in general were in decline in the Evangelical Church in Germany
Evangelical Church in Germany
The Evangelical Church in Germany is a federation of 22 Lutheran, Unified and Reformed Protestant regional church bodies in Germany. The EKD is not a church in a theological understanding because of the denominational differences. However, the member churches share full pulpit and altar...

, and ordinations without laying on of hands and strange communion services were held. In this situation a trade school pastor Karl August Hahne from Gelsenkirchen
Gelsenkirchen is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is located in the northern part of the Ruhr area. Its population in 2006 was c. 267,000....

 decided to found a religious brotherhood, which could retain among other things also the right understanding of the office and the Eucharist within it. Hahne was re-ordained in August 1971 by Bishop Helmut Echternach
Helmut Echternach
Helmut Friedbert Richard Siegfried Echternach was a German Lutheran theologian and pastor, and one of the leaders of the Lutheran High Church Movement in Germany....

 from St. Athanasius-Bruderschaft and consecrated as auxiliary bishop
Auxiliary bishop
An auxiliary bishop, in the Roman Catholic Church, is an additional bishop assigned to a diocese because the diocesan bishop is unable to perform his functions, the diocese is so extensive that it requires more than one bishop to administer, or the diocese is attached to a royal or imperial office...

 for HAStA in apostolic succession
Apostolic Succession
Apostolic succession is a doctrine, held by some Christian denominations, which asserts that the chosen successors of the Twelve Apostles, from the first century to the present day, have inherited the spiritual, ecclesiastical and sacramental authority, power, and responsibility that were...

 in 11. December 1971 by Hans Heuer, bishop of Ordo Militiae Crucis Templi Jerusalem, with recommendation of Bishop Echternach.

In order to form the intended high church brotherhood, somewhat more loosely organized Apostolate
Apostolates are organizations of the Catholic laity devoted to the mission of the Catholic Church.-Explanation:Most understand the term "apostolate" to be synonymous with the term ministry, or outreach, such as "youth ministry." The disambiguation is seen when one considers that within Catholic...

 St Ansgar
Saint Ansgar, Anskar or Oscar, was an Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen. The see of Hamburg was designated a "Mission to bring Christianity to the North", and Ansgar became known as the "Apostle of the North".-Life:After his mother’s early death Ansgar was brought up in Corbie Abbey, and made rapid...

 was formed in the beginning on the way to a religious brotherhood. However, when Hahne died, the brotherhood had not established itself well enough to survive the founder's death and thus the group in Gelsenkirchen dispersed. Hahne's coadjutor, professor Helmut Tramnitz actively continued to lead the apostolate and its work in Detmold
Detmold is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, with a population of about 74,000. It was the capital of the small Principality of Lippe from 1468 until 1918 and then of the Free State of Lippe until 1947...


The apostolate has remained a small fellowship and loosely organised as a society. Theologically it is Lutheran and faithful to Bible. It has published several books by Karsten Bürgener. In celebration of Mass
Mass (liturgy)
"Mass" is one of the names by which the sacrament of the Eucharist is called in the Roman Catholic Church: others are "Eucharist", the "Lord's Supper", the "Breaking of Bread", the "Eucharistic assembly ", the "memorial of the Lord's Passion and Resurrection", the "Holy Sacrifice", the "Holy and...

, HAStA uses its own missal
A missal is a liturgical book containing all instructions and texts necessary for the celebration of Mass throughout the year.-History:Before the compilation of such books, several books were used when celebrating Mass...

, "Die St.Ansgar-Messe".

From the activity of HAStA has even born “Kommunität St. Michael”, a small High Church community in Cottbus
Cottbus is a city in Brandenburg, Germany, situated around southeast of Berlin, on the River Spree. As of , its population was .- History :...


Apostolic Succession of Hochkirchlicher Apostolat St. Ansgar:http://www.hochkirche.de/sukzessionsliste.htm

  • Gerard Gul
    Gerardus Gul
    Gerardus Gul was a bishop of the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands. He was consecrated Archbishop of Utrecht 11 May 1892. Many Old Catholics and Independent Catholics trace the lineage of their orders through him....

  • Arnold Harris Mathew,
  • de Landas Berghes,
  • Carmel Henry Carfora
    Carmel Henry Carfora
    Carmel Henry Carfora , raised Roman Catholic in his native Naples, Italy, was a co-founder and leader of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church...

  • Georg F. Davis,
  • Hans Heuer,
  • Helmut Paulus Tramnitz.
  • Karsten Reinhard Bürgener
  • Matthias Niche

External links

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