Grandpa's Love
Grandpa's Love
Grandpa's Love(Chinese name:祖孙情)is a film about a the relationship between a grandfather and his grandson.
Their love is very natural and real. Jiang Xingjian's(江行健) character and the his unique way of thinking are performed well. A seventeen-year old boy who is at the "treason" season.He has desire for independence from parents'control, integrity of himself,but he also longs for their praises. Jiang Xingjian is the case. His tragedy, is also derived from this.


  • Jimmy Lin(林志颖) as Jiang XingJian(江行健) 
  • Hung Long(郎雄) as Grandpa(爷爷)
  • Siu-Man Fok(郝劭文) as Jiang XingKang(江行康)

Basic information

Director: Yin-Ping Chu(朱延平)
Video Title: Grandpa's Love
Chinese name: 祖孙情
Dialogue language: South Fujian Dialect(闽南语)
Production area: taiwan(台湾)


Jiang Xingjian and his four-year-old little brother' parents suddenly encountered a serious air crash and both lost their lives. Thus the two boys have to live with their grandfather, who is the chairman of a big company. The grandfather hopes that Ken(阿健) can take the responsibility of taking care of the whole family, especially his little brother.Meanwhile he requires Ken(阿健) not to tell the little brother Allcorn(阿康) about their parents'death. Ken(阿健) really have a desire to set a good example to his brother, but he is always misunderstood by hie grandfather because of Allcorn'(阿康) faults. Under his uncle'advice, his grandfather decides to re-recognize him. While Ken(阿健) is absorbed in the harmonious relationship established between him and his grandfather, Allcorn(阿康) accidentally damages his precious vedio which is taken on his birthday. He tries all the means to repair it but fails. He is so depresed that he has a lot of drinking and is drunk when he comes home. His grandfather decides to sent him to a lodging scholl after finding the thing. Ken(阿健) is very upset and he goes climbing a tall tree as usual. Unfortunately, he falls to a big stone under the deep Canyon due to Allcorn'(阿康) unexpected appearence. The grandfather finds the unfinished letter and has a better understanding of Ken(阿健). However, Ken(阿健) has left the world forever.

External links祖孙情林志颖电影郝邵文电影
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