Generative model
In probability
Probability is ordinarily used to describe an attitude of mind towards some proposition of whose truth we arenot certain. The proposition of interest is usually of the form "Will a specific event occur?" The attitude of mind is of the form "How certain are we that the event will occur?" The...

 and statistics
Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data. It deals with all aspects of this, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments....

, a generative model is a model for randomly generating observable data, typically given some hidden parameters. It specifies a joint probability distribution
Joint distribution
In the study of probability, given two random variables X and Y that are defined on the same probability space, the joint distribution for X and Y defines the probability of events defined in terms of both X and Y...

 over observation and label sequences. Generative models are used in machine learning
Machine learning
Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, is a scientific discipline concerned with the design and development of algorithms that allow computers to evolve behaviors based on empirical data, such as from sensor data or databases...

 for either modeling data directly (i.e., modeling observed draws from a probability density function
Probability density function
In probability theory, a probability density function , or density of a continuous random variable is a function that describes the relative likelihood for this random variable to occur at a given point. The probability for the random variable to fall within a particular region is given by the...

), or as an intermediate step to forming a conditional probability density function
Conditional probability
In probability theory, the "conditional probability of A given B" is the probability of A if B is known to occur. It is commonly notated P, and sometimes P_B. P can be visualised as the probability of event A when the sample space is restricted to event B...

. A conditional distribution can be formed from a generative model through the use of Bayes' rule
Bayes' rule
In probability theory and applications, Bayes' rule relates the odds of event A_1 to event A_2, before and after conditioning on event B. The relationship is expressed in terms of the Bayes factor, \Lambda. Bayes' rule is derived from and closely related to Bayes' theorem...


Shannon (1948) gives an example in which a table of frequencies of English word pairs is used to generate a sentence beginning with "representing and speedily is an good"; which is not proper English but which will increasingly approximate it as the table is moved from word pairs to word triplets etc.

Generative models contrast with discriminative model
Discriminative model
Discriminative models are a class of models used in machine learning for modeling the dependence of an unobserved variable y on an observed variable x...

s, in that a generative model is a full probabilistic model of all variables, whereas a discriminative model provides a model only for the target variable(s) conditional on the observed variables. Thus a generative model can be used, for example, to simulate (i.e. generate) values of any variable in the model, whereas a discriminative model allows only sampling of the target variables conditional on the observed quantities. Despite the fact that discriminative models do not need to model the distribution of the observed variables, they cannot generally express more complex relationships between the observed and target variables. They don't necessarily perform better than generative models at classification and regression
Regression analysis
In statistics, regression analysis includes many techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables, when the focus is on the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables...


Examples of generative models include:
  • Gaussian mixture model and other types of mixture model
    Mixture model
    In statistics, a mixture model is a probabilistic model for representing the presence of sub-populations within an overall population, without requiring that an observed data-set should identify the sub-population to which an individual observation belongs...

  • Hidden Markov model
    Hidden Markov model
    A hidden Markov model is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved states. An HMM can be considered as the simplest dynamic Bayesian network. The mathematics behind the HMM was developed by L. E...

  • Naive Bayes
  • AODE
    Averaged one-dependence estimators is a probabilistic classification learning technique. It was developed to address the attribute-independence problem of the popular naive Bayes classifier...

  • Latent Dirichlet allocation
    Latent Dirichlet allocation
    In statistics, latent Dirichlet allocation is a generative model that allows sets of observations to be explained by unobserved groups that explain why some parts of the data are similar...

  • Restricted Boltzmann machine

If the observed data are truly sampled from the generative model, then fitting the parameters of the generative model to maximize the data likelihood is a common method. However, since most statistical models are only approximations to the true distribution, if the model's application is to infer about a subset of variables conditional on known values of others, then it can be argued that the approximation makes more assumptions than are necessary to solve the problem at hand. In such cases, it is often more accurate to model the conditional density functions directly, using a discriminative model
Discriminative model
Discriminative models are a class of models used in machine learning for modeling the dependence of an unobserved variable y on an observed variable x...

(see above).
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