Folkmusik för folk som inte kan bete sig som folk
Folkmusik för folk som inte kan bete sig som folk is an album by bob hund
Bob hund
bob hund is a seven-piece indie rock band from Sweden. Their music, hard to classify, has been described as "what you might expect if you managed to merge Pere Ubu and Pixies with a touch of Kraftwerk"....

, released in 2009. The album peaked at 7 in the Swedish charts.

Track listing

(English translation within parentheses)
  1. "Folkmusik för folk som inte kan bete sig som folk" – 3:17 ("Folk music for folks who can't behave like folks")
  2. "Bli aldrig som oss, bli värre!" – 4:17 ("Never become like us, become worse!")
  3. "Tinnitus i hjärtat" – 3:55 ("Tinnitus in the heart")
  4. "Världens bästa dåliga låt" – 4:05 ("The world's greatest bad song")
  5. "Blommor på brinnande fartyg" – 4:48 ("Flowers on burning ships")
  6. "Grönt ljus åt alla" – 5:58 ("Green light for everybody")
  7. "Fantastiskt" – 5:18 ("Fantastic")
  8. "Lösenord: stängdklubb" – 4:14 ("Password: closedclub")
  9. "Ett litet ljus söker sitt mörker" – 0:46 ("A tiny light seeks its darkness")
  10. "Siffran vill bli fel" – 5:40 ("The digit wants to mess up")
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