Esclanèdes is a commune
Communes of France
The commune is the lowest level of administrative division in the French Republic. French communes are roughly equivalent to incorporated municipalities or villages in the United States or Gemeinden in Germany...

 in the Lozère
Lozère , is a department in southeast France near the Massif Central, named after Mont Lozère.- History :Lozère is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on March 4, 1790...

 department in southern France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...


Its inhabitants are known as Esclanédiens.


The main part of the commune is located in the Lot
Lot River
The Lot, , originally the Olt , is a river in France, right tributary of the Garonne. It rises in the Cévennes, flowing west through Quercy, where it flows into the Garonne near Aiguillon, a total distance of...

 valley, whereas the rest is on the Causse of Sauveterre. The town hall is located in the biggest burg called Le Bruel, on the north side of the river. Esclanèdes is named after the burg situated on the north side and where is located the church. Other inhabited places are the small burgs of Les Crottes et la Rocherousse and the two farms of Marance and Le Mazet.

The adjoining communes are the following:
  • Chanac
    Chanac is a commune in the Lozère department in southern France.-References:*...

     on the southwest side
  • Grèzes
    Grèzes, Lozère
    Grèzes is a commune in the Lozère department in southern France.-References:*...

     on the north side
  • Cultures
    Cultures, Lozère
    Cultures is a commune in the Lozère department in southern France.-References:*...

     on the east side
  • Gabrias
    Gabrias is a commune in the Lozère department in southern France.-References:*...

     on the northeast side
  • Barjac
    Barjac, Lozère
    Barjac is a commune in the Lozère department in southern France.-References:*...

    on the northeast and southeast sides


Between 1990 and 1999:
  • Population in 1990: 217
  • Population in 1999: 250
  • Natural increase: - 2
  • Net migration: + 35
  • Population growth: + 33
  • Average variation rate of the population by year: +1,5%

External links

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