Degree completion program
A degree completion program is an educational program providing a way for learners to get college credit for learning that they acquired through life and work experience. Degree completion programs, unlike diploma mill
Diploma mill
A diploma mill is an organization that awards academic degrees and diplomas with substandard or no academic study and without recognition by official educational accrediting bodies. The purchaser can then claim to hold an academic degree, and the organization is motivated by making a profit...

s, work within the established university community to provide accredited degrees. Credits from old courses and CLEP
College Level Examination Program
The College Level Examination Program is a group of standardized tests that assess college-level knowledge in several subject areas. Many colleges grant credit to students who meet their minimum qualifying score. Qualifying scores vary by school but are typically 50...

 or GRE
Graduate Record Examination
The Graduate Record Examinations is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the United States, in other English-speaking countries and for English-taught graduate and business programs world-wide...

tests are combined and evaluated to enable the student to achieve a degree.

As of 1993, there were 284 adult degree completion programs in the United States. For busy mid-career adult professionals such programs also provides an option for a fast track approach..
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