Encyclopedia is a website that lists hotel packages in a consistent format so people can see the approximate savings (or costs) that a hotel deal is providing.

Contents of a hotel deal are broken out in itemized lists on their site. Exact or estimated standard prices are given to each line item, to calculate the approximate savings compared to what someone would pay if they assembled a package's components themselves.

The site does not accept payment from hotels ("pay to play") for more prominent placement of any particular deal or hotel in its search results.

Currently the site focuses on US, Mexican, Caribbean, and Central American hotels. was founded by industry veterans from SideStep
- Description :SideStep is a metasearch engine for travel: it searches and consolidates results from more than 200 travel websites. The site searches more than 150,000 hotels and 600 airlines in the United States and worldwide...

, Expedia
Expedia is an Internet-based travel website based in the US with localised sites for 21 countries...

, and TravelPost
- History :TravelPost was founded in February 2004 by Sam Shank, a graduate of the Kellogg School of Management.It was initially launched as a travel blogging site, where users could register and set up their own blog area, which acted as an online travel journal where people could write about...

. In May 2009, the company announced a $1 million angel round of funding.

External links

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