Crusader: Adventure Out of Time
Crusader: Adventure Out of Time, also known as Crusader: A Conspiracy in the Kingdom of Jerusalem is a 1997 video game, developed by Index+ and published by Europress
Europress was a British magazine and software publisher. Their magazine publishing business was previously known as Database Publications.-History:...

. It is compatible with both Windows PCs and Macintoshes.

The game features 26 levels and is set in 1183, in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, at which time the relics of the Holy Cross are in danger. Videos of 20 actors are integrated into the computer graphics during gameplay.

2000 edition

A rearranged version of the game was released in 1999, as Crusaders 2000. This featured new puzzles.

External links

  • Crusader: A Conspiracy in the Kingdom of Jerusalem at Microïds
    Microïds is a French software brand belonging to Anuman Interactive that publishes and develops video games. In recent years the company's collection of brands and game licenses has grown since being a part of MC2 France...

  • Crusaders 2000 at Microïds
    Microïds is a French software brand belonging to Anuman Interactive that publishes and develops video games. In recent years the company's collection of brands and game licenses has grown since being a part of MC2 France...

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