Community: A NewOrderOnline Tribute
Due to the high quality of the songs submitted, the producers of the album decided to release CommunityEP, a selection of their favorite songs that were not included on the album. The reason you might see similar artists is because they did submit more than one cover in the competition, but they were so good that the producers decided to release them anyway.

One track is part is also the winner of a remix competition that was held where the members had to vote between 10+ remixes done by several artists.

Track listing

  1. almanso - Ceremony – 4:07 - Argentina
  2. The Minus One - Dreams Never End – 3:17 - Greece
  3. Manumatic - Love Less – 3:09 - USA
  4. C Bentley - Temptation – 5:19 - USA
  5. almanso - Angel Dust (Project Wintermute Evil Dust Machine Remix) – 5:18 - Argentina
  6. Digital - Leave Me Alone – 5:00 - UK
  7. Nemesis - Crystal – 4:37 - Argentina/Greece

Follow Up

In 2005, announced the project of Community 2, One year later, on October 31, 2006, Community 2: A NewOrderOnline Tribute
Community 2: A NewOrderOnline Tribute
Community 2 is a tribute album dedicated to the work of Ian Curtis, Gillian Gilbert, Peter Hook, Stephen Morris and Bernard Sumner of the bands New Order and Joy Division that was released in 2006....

has been released.
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