Cheiridopsis is a genus that consists of 100 succulents, native to southern Africa. Most are clumping form, a few are shrubby. The leaves are opposite and triangular in section, rarely flattened, the surface more or less velvety, which makes them easy to distinguish from species of the allied genus Argyroderma
Argyroderma is a genus consisting of over 50 species of succulents in the iceplant family from South Africa.These distinctive plants are among those known as "living stones", because their highly succulent, usually stemless, blue-green leaves occur at ground level and can resemble small stones...

. The name comes from the Greek, "cheiris" means sleeve. Each succeeding pair differs from the previous one in form, size, and relative unity of the leaves. Those most united wither in the resting period and form a papery sheath covering the succeeding pair of leaves during dormancy in dry, hot summer. Daisy-like flowers open during the day, are borne singly and usually have yellow, rarely purple or red, petals.


Cheiridopsis acuminata

Cheiridopsis alata

Cheiridopsis amabilis

Cheiridopsis aspera

Cheiridopsis aurea

Cheiridopsis bifida

Cheiridopsis brownii

Cheiridopsis bruynsii

Cheiridopsis candidissima

Cheiridopsis carinata

Cheiridopsis caroli

Cheiridopsis cigarettifera

Cheiridopsis cuminata

Cheiridopsis delphinoides

Cheiridopsis denticulata

Cheiridopsis derenbergiana

Cheiridopsis dilatata

Cheiridopsis excavata

Cheiridopsis gamoepensis

Cheiridopsis glomerata

Cheiridopsis herrei

Cheiridopsis imitans

Cheiridopsis marlothii

Cheiridopsis meyeri

Cheiridopsis minima

Cheiridopsis minor

Cheiridopsis namaquensis

Cheiridopsis nelii

Cheiridopsis pearsonii

Cheiridopsis peculiaris

Cheiridopsis pillansii

Cheiridopsis pilosula

Cheiridopsis ponderosa

Cheiridopsis pulverulenta

Cheiridopsis purpurata

Cheiridopsis purpurea

Cheiridopsis robusta

Cheiridopsis rostrata

Cheiridopsis rudis

Cheiridopsis schlechteri

Cheiridopsis speciosa

Cheiridopsis subaequalis

Cheiridopsis truncata

Cheiridopsis turbinata

Cheiridopsis umbrosa

Cheiridopsis umdausensis

Cheiridopsis vanbredai

Cheiridopsis vanzijlii

Cheiridopsis velox

Cheiridopsis verrucosa
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